if all da neneoconths wringing tehir handsa about the decline and fall of marirage REALLY WNAT TO BRINGZ back marriage they need to probvide INCENTIVEESZ FOR MENSZ TO GET MARRIIIED. as there is 0 chance dat da neoconctehdodsn will ever stop woemnz form nebing buttcocked and giancocked by hudndedreds of cockas, as the deousling of womenz and comunist destortcutionof teh fmaileiez is their prime agencda, there are otehr aooppaoahces they can take to saving marriage, such as resusnsituiting the DOWERY DOWERIE DOWRY! lzozlzzo
thorughzout all hirstsoiresz it has ever been reladized dat womenz navigatedz not by exalted reason honor code of honor but via butt and gina tinzgzlzlzozzlz lzzozlz
for dis reason, a man had to be compensatedz for marrying one and putting up with the endless flowsz of solipisimsz, ilogical fallacies, pursusit of gina and butt tingzzlzleoelzo satiate sataiatioation satsisfy her butt tizngzzklzozozl intsead of raisng kidz and aborting kidz to sataiate butt tzinzgzlzozlzo, and the curse of eve which meansz dat she will forever be longing for da seprent losstas ockasz cockasz zlzozlzozol and is compeleyetley icncapalble of moral reaosn incapable of moral agency incapaable of s cs lewiws russle kirk’s moreal moral moral moral imagainatinz imagainztzataioznz and instead perfer da serpent temptaonsz butt and gina tianagzlzozlzuzuzzlzlzzlozlzlo zzlzlozozozozzlo tizngalozlzaazlzzlzo
anywho, because this female nature was FUCKNG OBVIOUS to the ancientz, they came up with the dowery DOWERYZ DOWERY to COMPENSATE MENZ for puutinng up with womenz base, cheating, butt and giana tingelelzytzz mtotivated speech and incapacity for reason or moral turtehsz.
da only broo problemz these daysz is dat as womenz have been pre-buttcoked an dginaocked and splooged in der outhhole and anuthhole and ginahole MORE THAN ANY TIME EVER IN THE HISTORY OF MANKINDZ, da DOWERY IS GONNA HGAVE TO BE HUGE AND VASTZ VAST VAST and HUGESZ to simply compensate menz for all the risk they take on in marryying a butccoekd multi-butccoked benrnakified womenz who hath been deousledz so as to be more loyal to the bottomm bottom bernankez line lzozziz (bottm=buttholeizlzio line) than she is to the higher ideals and god, man, and famileyzlzoz zlzizi