Darock–denying the existence of his Marxist Churchian Crusade! Progress! Dalrock is now realizing that the feminist movement has changed the culture!!!
For quite some time now, Frankfrarter Marxist Dalrock has been spearheading the “long march through the institution of Christianity,” teaching that men needed to learn Game, instead of teaching women the tenets of Christianity. With all his charty, flashy economic goodness, his lust for mainstream instalanches, and his proclivity to announce that words can mean anything at any time, and thus nothing and everything at the same time, Dalrock is a natural cultural marxist/frankfarter, crusading against the spirit of Christianity, alongside his loyal flock of frankfartians, lead by Boxer et al. who label the words of Jesus “Noise” and teach that Christ came to abolish the Law of Moses.
Long story short, Dalrock is doing his marxist duty in introducing the sexual revolution into the Church, in his tinglzozozo-centric Christianity, which his fall fanboy flock of frankfartians lap up, like little poodles.
But wait! Now there is progress! Dalrock is now realizing that the feminist movement has changed the culture!!!
This places Dalrock far, far ahead of all the churchiansz.
Soon, Dalrock may realize that true Christians do not need game! What Dalrock might realize is that true Christians do not need Feminism! Soon Dalrock may realize that Jesus did not teach game, but that he came to fulfill the Law of Moses! (Cue the h8rs and attackers!)
Dalrock may realize that if True Christians followed Genesis and the Bible, and exalted the Great Books for Men in their institutions, they would not have to be slaves to butt and gina tinzgzlzlzozozozooz!
O Happy Day!
Soon, so very soon, Dalrock might realize that by claiming words can mean anything and everything, and by teaching men to kneel before tingzlzozoozozooz instead standing before god, he has effectively been a Marxist warrior, marching through Christianity and destroying the meaning of words, all for an instalanche here and there, and a bit of fawing attention from his flock of fellow, lesser marxists!