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“What The F*ck Happened To Dating In College?” askxks Briagenn Adams @ readunwritten lzozozo. DA GBFM ANSWERZ lzozozolzooz GBFM ECONOMICZ MAXIM # 1: A woman’s courtship value is equal or less than the lowest price she ever gave her pussy away for. lzolzoz


“What The F*ck Happened To Dating In College?” is tantamountz to asking “Where have all the good guys gone, and why is my butt sore?”



Classic GBFM Thong lzozozlzl Great Books for Men GBFM lzozozlzlo.


Classic GBFM Thong lzozozlzl Great Books for Men GBFM lzozozlzlo.

GBFM ECONOMICZ MAXIM # 1: A woman’s courtship value is equal or less than the lowest price she ever gave her pussy away for. lzolzoz

Da Ingenu quirky ingenu Briagenn Adams  askskz

I’m sorry, but when the fuck did “dating” disappear?

I have a friend who just got back on the market. She’s super classy, and she’s kind of with this new guy. They’ve had a few (non-sexual) sleepovers, but she wants him to take her on an actual date before she gives it all up. Not unreasonable, right? But we were talking the other day and I actually heard myself say to her, “You can’t expect too much from a guy in college. Sex comes first, a date comes way later, and only if he really likes you.” LIKE REALLY? Wtf.

Girls – and boys – we seriously need to get our shit together.

Is it really too ball-busting to ask a guy to drop $6.75 on you at Chipotle after an hour (or five minutes, let’s be honest) of a semi-drunk hookup? Or wrong to expect the boy who so consistently texts you each Saturday at 2:39 a.m. to allocate one precious evening for a dinner date? HELL. NO.

I just don’t understand today’s collegiate standards. Dating has completely disappeared, and girls jokingly refer to a “walk of shame” as a “stride of pride.” Umm, I’m calling bullshit. Please show me one girl who looks proud on that lonely walk home, with obviously smeared mascara, messy bedroom hair, and eyes focused on the concrete ground.

-from http://www.readunwritten.com/2014/03/26/what-the-fuck-happened-to-dating-in-college/

Long story shortz, too many chicksz are violating da one cock rulez while also cussing and syaig fuck and shit and sex fuck shit sex fuckc ufckc lzlzozozozozozozzoz HEY BRIAGDEN STUDY DA EOCOMINCSZ!!!

GBFM ECONOMICZ MAXIM # 1: A woman’s courtship value is equal or less than the lowest price she ever gave her pussy away for. lzolzoz





the reason that traditional dating has disappeared is because traditional marriage has disappeared.

as all women have now had numerous one-night stands, instead of waiting for that one knight, why would you want to be the knight who has to pay for what others got for free when it was younger, hotter, tighter, and forty pounds lighter?

and by pay, i mean you have to give up your time, your energy, your future salary in the form of child support and alimony, and your children. you will have to pay for your x-wife’s new lingerie for the biker boy she once banged for free, but now buys beer for with your money, via the alimony you must send her under threat of incarceration.

hilarity ensuez zlzozoozozoz


helloz class! da professorsz is herez and we gonnaz talkz about some GREAT BOOKS 4 MENZ lzozolzol


GBFM ECONOMICZ MAXIM # 1: A woman’s courtship value is equal or less than the lowest price she ever gave her pussy away for. lzolzoz


A woman’s courtship value is equal or less than the lowest price she ever gave her pussy away for. lzozozoz

After a woman has had a one-night stand
or given her pussy for free
her courtship value
is 0.
or less than 0.

As why would you want to be the guy
who pays for what others got when it was younger hotter tighter
forty pounds lighter
for freeee?


After a woman passes 25, whence she has generally been buttcocked numerous times and desouled, her courtship value is negative. It is the woman, who is now wired fiat bernanke cash and allowed to excel in fiat bernanke programs that drug up and dumb down boyz while deocntsructing da GREAT BOOKS 4 MENZ and creating far more debt than wealth while bankruping the West morally amnd moneetarily, who must pay the man so as to court him.

For a 25 year old multi-buttocked, desouled, bernankifed woman represents a huge risk to a man’s livelihood, his time, his conscience, his soul, his future earnings, and his general well-being. And the man must be compensated justly so as to have to court a woman over 25 who has been buttcocked and deousled and converted by the cenrta; bankerz into a vehicle of welath transfer lzozlz so dey could convert their masisve fiat debt into physical property by leveraging a woman’s sexuality for prviate profit gains while placing all teh risksz on good menz zlozzllz.



you can read it all here: lzozoz


Alsoez, womenz needz to stop violating da one cock rule smash summer hitz songz:


five minutes of alpha five minutes with da gbfm
i knows dat i will never see him again
but da tinglez in my gina mark me a femm
and da walls get wet for da gbfm pen
as he rips my pantiesz off and gives it to me hard
bending me over his lzlozlozoolzlzzozoz pillow
i know even though he writes like a tard
his words & lostsas cockas reach beyond shallow
five minutes of alpha five minutes with da gbfmz
den he’ll kick me out of his home forever
leave me alone for da discharge of his little menz
and i know dat i will see him again never.
five minutez with da gbfm don’t be a hata
so much better dan ten years with a beta.


(dis is da new stack of pillow i bendz ur ass oveerzz when youz cumz oversz 2 da gbfmz house lzozozo)



lzozozzozozzozlzozzoz pillowowz

thanksd to 2 http://redpillwifery.wordpress.com/2013/06/11/red-pill-craftery-update !!!




DA GBFM rveoltoutinez da internetz woolrd with his ALPHA FUCKS BETA BUCKS POEMZ zlzlozozozooz

http://www.rooshvforum.com/thread-23971.html “Alpha fux Beta Bux poetry “

Post: #3RE: Alpha fux Beta Bux poetry
GBFM is a genius.
“alpha fucks and beta bucks” — GBFM”
“There is a strange hypnotic brilliance to GBFM.”
“Yeah – his Matrix responses are the best.”
“I think GBFM is Sven Thompson. Read the comment section how he mentions exactly the books GBFM always mentions. He is completely serious here though.”

dey be sytitfying an dparsisnig da gbfm at roossh zlozlozoz


“GBFM? What dat’ about?
I am fascinated by Great Books For Men (a legendary commenter on Roissy’s site) – but I cannot figure him out.

Anyone got any theories?

Also – if I can find it. I will post up one of my favourite comments by him. It is one of the funniest, most bizarre and yet profound comments I have come across.

[EDIT] – Okay I found it. I love this song from GBFM…

“da professional womenz ode”

alpha fucks and beta bucks
dat is how we roll
da butthexting cockass we fucks and sucks
and in our anuthes it doth deosul

alpha fucks and beta bucks
it is da way of da fed
to transfer assetss to dose who butthext
cuckold dose who pay for our bread

beta bucks and alpha fucks
it’s what day teach us we;’re entitled too
da assetts from betas we plucks
after da alphas desol us through our hole for poo


cuckold da betas cockhold da alphas
datsz what day taught us in mba grad school
as da feiisnsits see no truth nor justice in their laws
and say da great books for menz was all fools.
yes, yes, i did very good on my gmats
dey bernenakifed my soul away, left me with cats”


“Chick Logic

In the past I’ve described the female sexual strategy as schizophrenic, but what it really is is pluralistic. All the jokes you read as 4Chan memes about ‘chick logic’ are only funny because we all have an intrinsic, largely unspoken, understanding of this sexual pluralism. The female sexual response is characterized by a dual nature, Alpha fucks and Beta bucks.

That’s the simplistic, distilled version ready for easy consumption and understanding, but the feminine sexual response is much more detailed on an individual level, and much more significant on a social level than just this jargon. Every stimulus bearing on the feminine, from how she’ll explain her girl’s night out to her LTR Beta, to how women in the workplace can rejigger legislature to create a society directed by the feminine imperative, all come back to the Alpha fucks / Beta bucks equation for optimizing Hypergamy.”

lzozoozozozozo graphic!!!


lzoozozozoozozozoz omg zlzoozozozo



“Yes…a friend of mine sent me this article the other day. I laughed really hard. What it is talking about was entirely predictable…and was predicted by many. Women are chasing the alphas and only accepting beta chumps to pay the bills.”


“Woman Admits To “Alpha Fux, Beta Bux” Dating Strategy” lozozozozozzoz


“Dating 1.0 was murdered way back in the late 1960s by knife-wielding and birth control-taking women who wanted alpha fucks and beta bucks and so spawned Dating 1.5 where alpha guys had it made and beta men were kept in the dark. Until the Internet and the Manosphere, Dating 1.5 reigned supreme. But now that men are finally figuring out the score, Dating 2.0 has emerged. The only scenario by which we could return to something even vaguely resembling Dating 1.0 is when private, effective, male birth control is widely available.”


“ybm says:
July 11, 2012 at 3:07 pm
Forgive me if I don’t celebrate women turning against feminism. What will they replace it with is a good analysis to look at:

-They’ll convince men that they are weak, dainty, inferior little creatures who need a man to protect and guide them.
-They’ll probably want to go back to being able to stay at home while hubby works 60+ hours a week at a pay lower than inflation adjusted incomes from the 60s.
- The divorce/alimony/child support/ racket will be kept
- Alpha fucks beta bucks is a genie that wont be going back into the bottle, neither will female promiscuity.
- They will expect chivalry from men again. Including men being conscripted to fight wars for them, ‘women and children first’ and the man always paying on dates.

Some victory. Congrats men! Lay done your arms, the war is over! WE WON!!

And I think for the majority of idiot males, they’d actually think they won.”


extra extra large t-shrirtss 4 all da bernankakfied womenzz wedidng addition bridesmaiidszz lzlzozozozozo!!!

i need to send dat fatass birdemadedz some t-shirts!!!!!!


“da professional womenz ode”


alpha fucks and beta bucks
dat is how we roll
da butthexting cockass we fucks and sucks
and in our anuthes it doth deosul
alpha fucks and beta bucks
it is da way of da fed
to transfer assetss to dose who butthext
cuckold dose who pay for our bread
beta bucks and alpha fucks
it’s what day teach us we;’re entitled too
da assetts from betas we plucks
after da alphas desol us through our hole for poo


i gave it 4 free when i was younger hotter tighter
back in college when i was thirty pounds lighter
can’t hardly wait to butthext yyou in divorce court
and have you fund my favorite buttehxtual sport
gonna buy sexy lingerie with all dat alimonee
fuck & suck alpha cocks as ur beta cock is just 4 pee
tee hee hee teee heee heee l
tee hee hee teee heee heee !
i’m da modern liberated womanz
i buttehxt before and after marriage
and during it too, but not with you
but with the father of da baby in da carriage

cuckold da betas cockhold da alphas
datsz what day taught us in mba grad school
as da feiisnsits see no truth nor justice in their laws
and say da great books for menz was all fools.
yes, yes, i did very good on my gmats
dey bernenakifed my soul away, left me with cats






today da professor GBFM would like to lecture on INFLATION lzozozz

once upon a times $50,000 would buy yo u a nice house a nice wife two cars and three kids who you could play baseballs with and raise to be nice girls and nice boyz zlzoozoz

today $1,000,000 will buys you an cassocked assockccoked, embittered, doused, deosueld and bernanenkied butthexed dfeminsistasz who will take %70 70% of oyiry assets in divroce court as ada dirvroce industries forces men to pay for past use oif a pussiezzes which is why da enoeteconths hate prostiutuitions as it does not make man pay for past pussy uyse but only present pussy use and da neococonths hatchet comepetitzzinonszz lzozlzlzoz, and dat $1,000,000 will be used to pay your wives dirvocre attorney and fund her future as socking sesisosns dat day got her hooked on in college during da prrima noctae asosckingszz seeisosnsnsns lzozlzozozo and den da $1,000,000 will be whittled down furthers buying presscirtption drugs for your dumbed down drugged up kids who you never get to see because ebernenekifiers seized den as poker chips in da fed’s wealth transfer games zlzozlzl

so now you see da definition of butthex, wealth-rttrannsfeeringz INFLATION lzozozlzlzoz

ust remember dat many are not ready to be unbuttblugged from da matrix lzlzzllzzlzl

so many have been butthexed for so long dat 2 try 2 take da life-sucking cockas outta der anuth will result in dem h8ing h8ing h8ing u and defending da tucker max rheyems with bgoldman sax buttehxtteetrszz zlzozlzzooz

like next tim eu are out with a chick, ask her,

“so how does it feel 2 be da first generation of oemenz buttcocked and deosuled by da federlr reseverssZZ? lzozozozozozz”


dis is why it is better to just hooks ups with da owmenz da desouled womenz rather than try to talk or reasons or logic with demzz lzozozlz



when a womanz hits thirty, she asks 2 quetsionsz zlzozzlzo

1. whwere have all th e good menz gones and
2. why is my butt sore?

be sure to read the front and back of theGBFM THONGZ zlzlzlzlzlzlzl which you can take off your fiance you beta herbsz zlzlzloz:


zzolozzzlzozlzozozozzlzlo omg zlzozozlzoz

lzoozlz alpha fucks & beta buckz lzozozlzolzozozozoz

get da t-shirt for your wifez and fiancezzz!!! all u betatsz zzlozolzzl




“da professional womenz ode”

yah man feel free to use it all anywhere lzozlzolzzoz i thk the matrix post would be funny in digital animation:


alos one cock rule would rock as a animated rap:

OMG both of you betado9uches above are violating THE ONE COCK RULE!!!

You are alloowing chix to bring other COCKS into your mind lozlzlzzoz zlozllzl. The second a chick makes me think of another cock she is outta my house outta my mind or if she’s texting on a date which almost never happens because i almost never date i go “i gotta use the men’s room lzozlzl” and then i leave her with the bill. she can text her ten other cocks to comne over and pay for her drniks/dinner lzozlzlzllzlzlz and then,. after paying, they have full right to gizizizizizalizzz all over her lzozlz

“I’ve been seeing this girl for a year. We live together and I’ve still got hand.”

OMG lzozzlzll wtf are fuckity fucks doing with chix in your homes? lzozlzlzlz omg lozlzlzlzlzl looozers lzozlzlzlz1!! hzhzh



O U T OUT! lzozlzlzl

OMG lozlzlzozlozozolzl wft r u doing dating a chick 4 a yer did your dick fall off? Were yu chosen by Beernanke and given an award and medal to support today’s slutty slutt vampiressses cuckholders cockcutters?

sounds 2 me it is the latter as u have no cock lzozlzlzlzl lzzozl

and she made you think of another cock

fucktard haven’t u heard of the one cock rule?

hey yo!! let’s teach these douches somethin ’bout nbein a man yo!

throw a beat over this way.
yo yo yo yo
yo yo yo

now hit it!

one cock rule one cock rule
i ain’t no beta fool i ain’t no beta tool
about another cock ya make me think
i’m gone, yo bitch,
let the betas buy yas yer next drink

one cock rule one cock rule
i ain’t no beats fool i ain’t no beta tool
over vampires and werewolfe you ginas all drool
letting their cocks touch your deep down stool
then you blame the betas in school
and transfer wealth for the bernanke gene pool
jonah goldberg sends our alphas 2 die on foreign shores
stuffing his face with dc pizza as they die in fiat wars
neocon womenz repeating butthexers lies in their mags
even after menopause and no need for da ragz
telling young chickas to lust after vampires
as they build their fiat empires

one cock rule one cock rule
i ain’t no fool i ain’t no tool
about another cock ya make me think
i’m gone, yo bitch,
let the betas buy yas yer next drink

let the betas pay to raise your bastard kids
let the betas sign teh fiat masters marriage contracts
theft in fiat inflation is hid
as they swing their bankrupting axe
i don’t care what last night u did,
ever since i kicked ya gina out, i been relaxed.

as they promote butthex across the land
ripping out fetuses from parenthood planned
as fathers form teh homes the neocons ban
the atalnatic authoresses just don’t undertsand

but when chix wakes up and her butt is sore
it’s not my fault no–it’s cause she’s a whore
as the fiat masters desoul women with butthex cock
teach them to transfer wealth with pre-teen strumpet rock

one cock rule one cock rule
i ain’t no fool i ain’t no tool
about another cock ya make me think
i’m gone, yo bitch,
let the betas buy yas yer next drink

womenz womenz bernanke took advanatge of you
you wasted your best years on vampires and werewolves
and now you cry your tears cause of your sore anus
stamp your little feet saying, “you betas must pay for this!!!”

and aging neocon women promoting butthexing vampires
teacxhing women to lust after the undead
as the neocons suck the western world dry
bankrupting it all,m enlsaving it debt
while selfish womenz at the atalnatic monthly
cry cry cry
cry cry cry
not for you or me
but for themselves
not for the 50,000,000 aborted souls
but for their dried up ginas and sore assholes
so many chances they had to marry a nice guy
but he left her dry
so whe butthexed with the asshole
and now see her cry
and wonder why
and transofrm the entire univeristy
into a program to further the fiat lie
to transfer wealth and wage war and death
to about fifty million more
and redefine fifty cocks in her ass as empowered
and not a whore

all together now!

lzozllzzl lozlzlz zlozozoz
lozlzl lzozozlz ozlzooz zlo9oo
lozlzlz ozlzoozl ozlzlzoz lzozlz zlzoz zlzozzlozlzozlo

one cock rule one cock rule
i ain’t no fool i ain’t no tool
about another cock ya make me think
i’m gone, yo bitch,
let the betas buy yas yer next drink
alreayd seen yer pink stink
bent ya over the sink

and howscomes the bankers southpark never does satarize
because everything is fair game–truth love honor–excpet for fiat butthexing lies.

all together now!

lzozllzzl lozlzlz zlozozoz
lozlzl lzozozlz ozlzooz zlo9oo
lozlzlz ozlzoozl ozlzlzoz lzozlz zlzoz zlzozzlozlzozlo


^^^^ to the 24 for or so tardbetadouches who voted my “one cock rule” rap down


what do ya want?

a two cock rule rap?

or three cock rule?

three cock rule, three cock rule,
i’m a beta herb my own cock won’t do
i need a chick to cuckold me
i need a chick on me to pee
three cock rule, three cock rule,
i love being the greater fool
one cock in her mouth, one in her anus,
i keep mine in my pants,
and pay her bills and rent and fare for da bus.
so she can club and grind, on denim cocks dance.
three cock rule, three cock rule,
i treat my lady like a nice guy,
give her chivarly while with 2 others she doth lie,
three cock rule, three cock rule,
while your cock doth touch her stool,
i play videogames @ home in my single mom’s basement,
as teh fed fianance feminsits studies @ school,
teaching her to love and bail out the butthexers,
to persucte me 4 letting her live 4 free,
while she tickles drummer/druggie cock until it goes
splooge splooge splooge! tee hee tee hee!
three cock rule, three cock rule,
i’m the beta herb, teh cuckholded fool,
i respect her, keep my cock in my pants,
fund her with other cocks to dance.


or would u betaherbs prefer a five cock rule rap! omg i bet someofya would like dat! lzozl


read mor heerz: lzozozozoozol


hey hearatistetzzz!!!

i am workingz on an extended play song for weddingz!!!


extra extra large t-shrirtss 4 all da bernankakfied womenzz wedidng addition bridesmaiidszz lzlzozozozozo!!!

i need to send dat fatass birdemadedz some t-shirts!!!!!!


“da professional womenz ode”


alpha fucks and beta bucks
dat is how we roll
da butthexting cockass we fucks and sucks
and in our anuthes it doth deosul
alpha fucks and beta bucks
it is da way of da fed
to transfer assetss to dose who butthext
cuckold dose who pay for our bread
beta bucks and alpha fucks
it’s what day teach us we;’re entitled too
da assetts from betas we plucks
after da alphas desol us through our hole for poo


i gave it 4 free when i was younger hotter tighter
back in college when i was thirty pounds lighter
can’t hardly wait to butthext yyou in divorce court
and have you fund my favorite buttehxtual sport
gonna buy sexy lingerie with all dat alimonee
fuck & suck alpha cocks as ur beta cock is just 4 pee
tee hee hee teee heee heee l
tee hee hee teee heee heee !
i’m da modern liberated womanz
i buttehxt before and after marriage
and during it too, but not with you
but with the father of da baby in da carriage

cuckold da betas cockhold da alphas
datsz what day taught us in mba grad school
as da feiisnsits see no truth nor justice in their laws
and say da great books for menz was all fools.
yes, yes, i did very good on my gmats
dey bernenakifed my soul away, left me with cats





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