sorryyr i have not been postsing but da GBFM has been overlaoding overloaded with sweeeeet summertime pususysysysp pusussyyss and reading da GRETA BOOKZ
my long lazy dogg dayz of summerz goesz like disz
1. get up early at 10:30 ama AM
2. tell hot hottiez in da gbfm beedx bedz “TIMESZ to WAKE UPZ and GO 2 WORKZ!!!!”
3. she saysz “Where do youw workz?”
4. GBFM sayz “i haven’t been fully honest with you.”
5. she goezsz “what wot what?”
6. da GBFM goes “it’s complicated”
5. she lookz at me, showing a boob from under da sheetz as ur convertstaionz has made her wetz
6. da GBFM does her one more timez and says “OK now realy gotta go 2 woerk work call ya laterz — hey wait take da moviez” and i ggive hger her da movies she brought over as last nite was a “bring da movies” nightz lzozozlz as da gbfm is a max alpha so da barisista bernnekified lasses who were babebrnkeeiifed bernkakaifiedz in their butthole bingholio and bank account with student debt and have sore asses and no assets and no ckknloedge form tehir dumbed down classes so dey can only afford old beta tapes for da alpha max gbfm’s beta max player zlolzlzlozoz
7. it is noonz and da GBFM takes out HOMERZ ILIADZ to see how REAL MENZ useddz to act like RELA MENZ with HONRO AND INTEGRITY and DECENCY And COURAGE AND NOBILTY nand MANLY MANLIENESS And how WOEMNZ acted like real WOMENZZ before dey were all nerbebekankied in der bugholeozoz
8. and da GBFM readz and reandsz and readz all day longz
and the sun begeinz to go downz
amd da GBFM thinks to himselfz
“MAN it’s been 10 hours since ive had me som pusysysysysysysy zlzolzlzlzozoozl”
to correct teh rowrld and ste set it rightz
and get some pusysysysyss overz
but does da GBFM go out?
hell nNO! going out is for betasz
who use der beta bucks to pay cover charageez
and buy girls dinnerz and drinks and foodz
so dat when dey show up at da GBFMZ
dey are not hungry and won’t eat my pziziz pizizzia
nor my heinkeks nor drink my heieneieksz nor PBRs
but will only take
a GBFM milk shake
1. 9 PM: da gbfm sends out a mass text 2 all my ladies:
“lotsa cocksa 4 u lzozlzlz.”
da gbfm then gets back dozens of messages:
2. da gbfm waits and hour and sends out to everyone again:
10 PM: “srry wrng #”
da gbfm then gets back lotsa texts
too bad
u got my hopes up
damn you
ur loss
3. da gbfm then waits ’til midnight and texts to everyone:
12 Midnightz: my place 30 min.
den da gbfm sits back and watches the parade arriving on his door camera monitor while he watches da espn highlights and reads homer’s odyssey. ding-dog ding-dong they ring da gbfm bell one by one hoping to touch da gbfm’s ding-dong zlzozozzozololzollzo but if they are under an 8 da gbfm just ignorez & reads his boookz zlzozoolzz
at 1 am a hot hottie shows up and da gbfm hits the buzzer and lets her up.
da gbfm saves lotsas times and money while the betas liquor her up at the bars and da gbfm gets to hang out with homer instaead of goldidggers and douchetard boobie-men manboobz at all the clubs these days lzlzllzlzl
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE do nottry this on your own as da GBFM needz you out there buying them drinkz all night and getting them dinnerz as i don’t want no hos eating my puizzaaa and heinekinz beerz!!!! we all have our part in this so please please respect yo!!!!! lzozolzolozzzz