women are governed chiefly by butt and gina tingelelzozlolzozzo
GREAT MEN and thsose who penned da GREAT BOOKS FOR MEN were governemned by HEROIC CODES OF HONORz lzozozoz throughout history men have created CIVILIZATION and the insititution of MARRIAGE based on the MYTH of ONE MAN ONE WOMEN.
asking why women flake is like asking like “why does it rain sometimes in da summerz?”
as we live in a society which attacksz traditional codes of honor so as to transfer assettz form menz to womenz (aka the banker cartel elite who must conevrt tehir fiat worthless debt into physical goodz and peroperty), we live in a society governed more and more by butt and gina tinzizzglelzozo and less and less by da GRETA BOOKS FOR MENZ and the VIURTUOYS SOUL.
this is how da eberenekfieieferz want it as they see WESTERN CIVILIZATION and MORALITY as an affront to their dishonorable quest to conevert qorthless book entries into power and physcial peorperteierzz lzozolzlzoz
and so they deocnstructed THE GREAT BOOKS FOR MENZ
and created a world rueld by BUTT AND GUINA TINEGELZOOZOZZ
and to the degree gamers act so as to inspire BUTT AND GINA TINGELEOZOZLZOZ they too are ruled by BUTT AND GINA TINGELEZOZOZOZOZ but hey i undestertatsnd da need to dip da wick and get da pekcer wet, without losing ones’ life liveliehood, liberty, and happienenesz zlzlzlozoozozzoozo
3 EZ STEPZ: How 2 Handle FLakesz and Flakey Flakerz in da ERA of da TEXT MESSAGE attention whorez zlzlzozozz
dis is from hearteites blog on FLAKEY FLAKE ERA WE LIVEZ IN where everyone flakes zlzozozoozoz while da gbfm sits at home and waits for da chcix who cflaked flaked on your asssss lzozozzolzolzol:::
how 2 counter da flakey flakesz in THREE EZ STEPZ
1. 9 PM: da gbfm sends out a mass text 2 all my ladies:
“lotsa cocksa 4 u lzozlzlz.”
da gbfm then gets back dozens of messages:
2. da gbfm waits and hour and sends out to everyone again:
10 PM: “srry wrng #”
da gbfm then gets back lotsa texts
too bad
u got my hopes up
damn you
ur loss
3. da gbfm then waits ’til midnight and texts to everyone:
12 Midnightz: my place 30 min.
den da gbfm sits back and watches the parade arriving on his door camera monitor while he watches da espn highlights and reads homer’s odyssey. ding-dog ding-dong they ring da gbfm bell one by one hoping to touch da gbfm’s ding-dong zlzozozzozololzollzo but if they are under an 8 da gbfm just ignorez & reads his boookz zlzozoolzz
at 1 am a hot hottie shows up and da gbfm hits the buzzer and lets her up.
da gbfm saves lotsas times and money while the betas liquor her up at the bars and da gbfm gets to hang out with homer instaead of goldidggers and douchetard boobie-men manboobz at all the clubs these days lzlzllzlzl
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE do nottry this on your own as da GBFM needz you out there buying them drinkz all night and getting them dinnerz as i don’t want no hos eating my puizzaaa and heinekinz beerz!!!! we all have our part in this so please please respect yo!!!!! lzozolzolozzzz
remember dat 80% of all divorces are initiated by womenz as womenz lsisten primarily to tehir butt and gina tingeleozozozo and vows mean nothing to them.
those societies whihc place matriarchiaes and womenz at the center of their worlds never transcenedned da base female butt and gina tingelelzozozo–they never invented cars nor computers nor disocvered electctricicty nor the atom, because womenz giana and butt teiznzgleolozo tingzlzlo were set off by thigsz and buttehxtheteteras and sectriev tapers of butetehxtzz.
one can witness this happeingz in any english department where womenz are presentz.
as soon as they get tehre all teh GRETA BOOSKZ FOR MENZ are edeocnstructed–all the honroo and peotry and exlated psieirirt and soul are tossed out da winedwosz, and one is left with ginatalk gin gina gina gender me me eme vicctime cvicicimt butt ingle gina tingel clit lit twat talk lzlzozoz butetehxing buetetxhting.
this is WHY THE FED empowered womenz–to detsory poretryr righstz and hgonro and da code of honor as the fED and WOEMZNZ cashe dout on maiiririrage gutting it of its soul as they tejprrorarily prrofieted via dicorveerce and alilaomaoenies and shicicldd support and drugged the fatherleless chcieldnderz up and deumdbded tehm downenenz zlzlzozozoozzozozooz