womenz math: http://www.cafepress.com/greatbooksformen.582539788
Should I lie to men about my sexual partner-count? (self.RedPillWomen)
submitted 8 days ago by RoseflowerteaLady
I hate lying, but I’ve had a few boyfriends, so at 26 I’ve now slept with 12 men. I’m thinking seriously about marriage now, and I know many men find women with a double-digit partner count not marriage-material, so I’ve been telling the last couple boyfriends that I’ve only slept with 3 people. I was wondering if RedPillWomen has an opinion on this. Will this help?
one responder says, “12 men is a lot for a guy to swallow, but honesty is important in a relationship.” lzozozozozo waht they meant is “12 men is a lot for a girlz to swallow lzozozozoozozoz.”
most chix who r 3s think they are 9s because now and then an alpha gets drunk and bored and bangs the shit out of them lzozllzlzlzlzlzlzl
lozlzlzlz! omg i made it thank you thank you!!!
this is going on the back cover of my upcoming book:
most 3s think they are 9s because now and then an alpha gets drunk and bored and bangs the shit out of them lzozllzlzlzlzlzlzl
she sounds like a 2 who got banged by 7 drunk alphas so she reasons that 2 + 7 = 9.” –bestsest quotas ever from da r!! lozllzozlzzl
then later on they think they are 9s because they count 1
9 cats! i’m still a 9!
from banging 9 douchebags per week in college who got my prima noctae youngest hottest tightest years for free as commanded by bernanke to 9 cats lzozlzlzlzlzlz which leaves me more time to maekrt subprime loans. kids, families, and husbands are silly antiquated ideas and bernanke has liberated me from this all with fiat dollars and debt as they bankrupt the wolrd and liberate us with secretive tapings of butthex like tucker max does and gets pumped and hyped in teh neocon weekly standard butthexed secretly taped without my conthent lolzlzlzlz i’m a nine! buthexed 9 times makes me a nine! lzozllzlz
the bill of men’s rights
lzozllzllzl every man shall have the right to
1) a womenz who hasth been butthexed less than 4 times
2) said 4 times not being done in the same night nor two consecutive nights niether lzozlzl
3) said butthexing events not being secretly taped without her conthent
4) no woman shall have a right to her husbands assetts if he comes home and finds her banging the poolboy ontop of his ps3 controller, thusly damaging said controller lzozl that would suck
5) wehnu ask a women how many poeple she has been with it wil be law that she will have to verbally multiply her anser by 10, and then add at least half the ass cocking sesssions which still count as sexth in certain religions lzozlzlzl
6) no man shall be made to fund a pussy that it out banging biker drummer cock, nor shall any man be made to pay for past use of a pussy lzozlzlzlz
i think that if we can pass this men’;s bill of rights into law, 90% of marriages will last lzozl.zlzlzlzlzl lzozllz which is why the butthex congreth and fiat masters will rail against my sublime logic reason phsilophy and religion lzozlzlzzl