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THEY BERNANKIFIED MY SOUL AWAY & LEFT ME WITH CATSZ CATZ CATS! Bring Back Prima Noctes! Braveheart: “Grant them prima noctes. First night, when any common girl inhabiting their lands is married, our nobles shall have sexual rights to her on the night of her wedding.” lolzlz!!! zlzozol


read baout da deouleing process and eb bernankcifiatcions of a cold callous chickz:


“At 11 on a weeknight earlier this year, her work finished, a slim, pretty junior at the University of Pennsylvania did what she often does when she has a little free time. She texted her regular hookup — the guy she is sleeping with but not dating. What was he up to? He texted back: Come over. So she did. They watched a little TV, had sex and went to sleep.”–from http://www.nytimes.com/2013/07/14/fashion/sex-on-campus-she-can-play-that-game-too.html?src=me&ref=general&_r=0


ALPHA FUCKS & BETA BUCKS DAT IS HOW WE ROLL! lzozozozo DA GBFM rveoltoutinez da internetz woolrd with his ALPHA FUCKS BETA BUCKS POEM Zlsososlzlzl zlzlozozozooz alpha fux and beta bux poetry poeteriesz lozozozzo poem poem poem poetry lzlzlozozoz


DA GBFM rveoltoutinez da internetz woolrd with his ALPHA FUCKS BETA BUCKS POEMZ zlzlozozozooz

http://www.rooshvforum.com/thread-23971.html “Alpha fux Beta Bux poetry “

Post: #3RE: Alpha fux Beta Bux poetry
GBFM is a genius.
“alpha fucks and beta bucks” — GBFM”
“There is a strange hypnotic brilliance to GBFM.”
“Yeah – his Matrix responses are the best.”
“I think GBFM is Sven Thompson. Read the comment section how he mentions exactly the books GBFM always mentions. He is completely serious here though.”

dey be sytitfying an dparsisnig da gbfm at roossh zlozlozoz

“GBFM? What dat’ about?
I am fascinated by Great Books For Men (a legendary commenter on Roissy’s site) – but I cannot figure him out.

Anyone got any theories?

Also – if I can find it. I will post up one of my favourite comments by him. It is one of the funniest, most bizarre and yet profound comments I have come across.

[EDIT] – Okay I found it. I love this song from GBFM…

“da professional womenz ode”

alpha fucks and beta bucks
dat is how we roll
da butthexting cockass we fucks and sucks
and in our anuthes it doth deosul

alpha fucks and beta bucks
it is da way of da fed
to transfer assetss to dose who butthext
cuckold dose who pay for our bread

beta bucks and alpha fucks
it’s what day teach us we;’re entitled too
da assetts from betas we plucks
after da alphas desol us through our hole for poo


cuckold da betas cockhold da alphas
datsz what day taught us in mba grad school
as da feiisnsits see no truth nor justice in their laws
and say da great books for menz was all fools.
yes, yes, i did very good on my gmats
dey bernenakifed my soul away, left me with cats”


“Chick Logic

In the past I’ve described the female sexual strategy as schizophrenic, but what it really is is pluralistic. All the jokes you read as 4Chan memes about ‘chick logic’ are only funny because we all have an intrinsic, largely unspoken, understanding of this sexual pluralism. The female sexual response is characterized by a dual nature, Alpha fucks and Beta bucks.

That’s the simplistic, distilled version ready for easy consumption and understanding, but the feminine sexual response is much more detailed on an individual level, and much more significant on a social level than just this jargon. Every stimulus bearing on the feminine, from how she’ll explain her girl’s night out to her LTR Beta, to how women in the workplace can rejigger legislature to create a society directed by the feminine imperative, all come back to the Alpha fucks / Beta bucks equation for optimizing Hypergamy.”

lzozoozozozozo graphic!!!

lzoozozozoozozozoz omg zlzoozozozo


“Yes…a friend of mine sent me this article the other day. I laughed really hard. What it is talking about was entirely predictable…and was predicted by many. Women are chasing the alphas and only accepting beta chumps to pay the bills.”

“Woman Admits To “Alpha Fux, Beta Bux” Dating Strategy” lozozozozozzoz

“Dating 1.0 was murdered way back in the late 1960s by knife-wielding and birth control-taking women who wanted alpha fucks and beta bucks and so spawned Dating 1.5 where alpha guys had it made and beta men were kept in the dark. Until the Internet and the Manosphere, Dating 1.5 reigned supreme. But now that men are finally figuring out the score, Dating 2.0 has emerged. The only scenario by which we could return to something even vaguely resembling Dating 1.0 is when private, effective, male birth control is widely available.”

“ybm says:
July 11, 2012 at 3:07 pm
Forgive me if I don’t celebrate women turning against feminism. What will they replace it with is a good analysis to look at:

-They’ll convince men that they are weak, dainty, inferior little creatures who need a man to protect and guide them.
-They’ll probably want to go back to being able to stay at home while hubby works 60+ hours a week at a pay lower than inflation adjusted incomes from the 60s.
- The divorce/alimony/child support/ racket will be kept
- Alpha fucks beta bucks is a genie that wont be going back into the bottle, neither will female promiscuity.
- They will expect chivalry from men again. Including men being conscripted to fight wars for them, ‘women and children first’ and the man always paying on dates.

Some victory. Congrats men! Lay done your arms, the war is over! WE WON!!

And I think for the majority of idiot males, they’d actually think they won.”


extra extra large t-shrirtss 4 all da bernankakfied womenzz wedidng addition bridesmaiidszz lzlzozozozozo!!!

i need to send dat fatass birdemadedz some t-shirts!!!!!!


“da professional womenz ode”


alpha fucks and beta bucks
dat is how we roll
da butthexting cockass we fucks and sucks
and in our anuthes it doth deosul
alpha fucks and beta bucks
it is da way of da fed
to transfer assetss to dose who butthext
cuckold dose who pay for our bread
beta bucks and alpha fucks
it’s what day teach us we;’re entitled too
da assetts from betas we plucks
after da alphas desol us through our hole for poo


i gave it 4 free when i was younger hotter tighter
back in college when i was thirty pounds lighter
can’t hardly wait to butthext yyou in divorce court
and have you fund my favorite buttehxtual sport
gonna buy sexy lingerie with all dat alimonee
fuck & suck alpha cocks as ur beta cock is just 4 pee
tee hee hee teee heee heee l
tee hee hee teee heee heee !
i’m da modern liberated womanz
i buttehxt before and after marriage
and during it too, but not with you
but with the father of da baby in da carriage

cuckold da betas cockhold da alphas
datsz what day taught us in mba grad school
as da feiisnsits see no truth nor justice in their laws
and say da great books for menz was all fools.
yes, yes, i did very good on my gmats
dey bernenakifed my soul away, left me with cats





Bring Back Prima Noctes! Braveheart: “Grant them prima noctes. First night, when any common girl inhabiting their lands is married, our nobles shall have sexual rights to her on the night of her wedding.” lolzlz!

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