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All men should begin immediately by reading the following books which the central bankers and their fellow churchians hate, fear, and detest:

1. Homer’s Iliad
2. Homer’s Odyssey
3. Exodus & Ecclesiastes & The Psalms
4. Virgil’s Aeneid
5. Socrates’ Apology
6. The Book of Matthew & Jefferson’s Bible
7. Plato’s Repulic
8. Seneca’s Letters from a Stoic
9. Aristotle’s Poetics
10. Dante’s Inferno
11. The Declaration of Independence
12. The Constitution
13. John Milton’s Paradise Lost
14. Shakespeare’s Hamlet
15. Newton’s Principia
16. Adam Smith’s Wealth of Nations and Theory of Moral Sentiments
17. Henry David Thoreau’s Walden
18. Mark Twain’s Huckleberry Finn (& all of his work)
19. Shakespeare’s Hamlet
20. Ludwig von Mises’ A Theory of Money and Credit
21. F.A. Hayek’s The Road to Serfdom
22. Herman Melville’s Moby Dick
23. Einstein’s The Meaning of Relativity
24. Joseph Campbell’s The Hero With a Thousand Faces and The Power of Myth
25. Ron Paul’s Revolution & End the Fed

Please note that neither Dr. Helen Smith nor Michelle Malkin ever, ever, ever quote nor acknowledge THE GREAT BOOKS FOR MEN.  Next time you see them, ask them why they never salute our EXALTED FATHERS and our NOBLE HERITAGE and the FOUNDATION OF NATURAL RIGHTS, THE FAMILY, FATHERHOOD, and NATURAL LAW.

For instance, in her book  http://www.amazon.com/books/dp/1594036756

Men on Strike: Why Men Are Boycotting Marriage, Fatherhood, and the American Dream – and Why It Matters

why does Helen Smith never quote Moses nor Genesis nor Jesus who DEFINE MARRIAGE?  Why does Helen Smith never quote Genesis?

13: And the LORD God said unto the woman, What is this that thou hast done? And the woman said, The serpent beguiled me, and I did eat.
14: And the LORD God said unto the serpent, Because thou hast done this, thou art cursed above all cattle, and above every beast of the field; upon thy belly shalt thou go, and dust shalt thou eat all the days of thy life:
15: And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel.
16: Unto the woman he said, I will greatly multiply thy sorrow and thy conception; in sorrow thou shalt bring forth children; and thy desire shall be to thy husband, and he shall rule over thee.

DOES HELEN SMITH NOT REALIZE WHY MEN HAVE BOYCOTTED MARRIAGE?  It is because it has been desouled, debauched, and bernankified, robbed of its exalted spirit, and transformed into yet another beenrnekified fraud to transfer assets from men to da beenrkeiified statez zlolzozoz.

Why does  HELEN SMITH never quote Moses?  Did not Moses know a thing or two about BEING A MAN, even though he never negged, nor peacocked nor wore furry hatsz to get some pre-berbebenkiifed butthozlzizol buttcockinzg (which da noeocnths sectreletly tape zlzzoz):

6 “I am the Lord your God, who brought you out of Egypt, out of the land of slavery.

7 “You shall have no other gods before[b] me.

8 “You shall not make for yourself an image in the form of anything in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the waters below. 9 You shall not bow down to them or worship them; for I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God, punishing the children for the sin of the parents to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me, 10 but showing love to a thousandgenerations of those who love me and keep my commandments.

11 “You shall not misuse the name of the Lord your God, for the Lord will not hold anyone guiltless who misuses his name.

12 “Observe the Sabbath day by keeping it holy, as the Lord your God has commanded you. 13 Six days you shall labor and do all your work, 14 but the seventh day is a sabbath to the Lord your God. On it you shall not do any work, neither you, nor your son or daughter, nor your male or female servant,nor your ox, your donkey or any of your animals, nor any foreigner residing in your towns, so that your male and female servants may rest, as you do.15 Remember that you were slaves in Egypt and that the Lord your God brought you out of there with a mighty hand and an outstretched arm.Therefore the Lord your God has commanded you to observe the Sabbath day.

16 “Honor your father and your mother, as the Lord your God has commanded you, so that you may live long and that it may go well with you in the land theLord your God is giving you.

17 “You shall not murder.

18 “You shall not commit adultery.

19 “You shall not steal.

20 “You shall not give false testimony against your neighbor.

21 “You shall not covet your neighbor’s wife. You shall not set your desire on your neighbor’s house or land, his male or female servant, his ox or donkey, or anything that belongs to your neighbor.”

RIGHT THERE WE SEE THAT “THOU SHALT NOT COVET THY NEIGHBOR’S WIVES ASS & THOU SHALT NOT COMMITT ADULTERY” meaning dat it is worng so very worng to buttcock someoenes future potential wife and tape it in sectrievz zlzzlzloozoz

Why does DR. HELEN SMITH never quote JEsus?  3Some Pharisees came to Jesus, testing Him and asking, “Is it lawful for a man to divorce his wife for any reason at all?”4And He answered and said, “Have you not read that He who created them from the beginning MADE THEM MALE AND FEMALE,5and said, ‘FOR THIS REASON A MAN SHALL LEAVE HIS FATHER AND MOTHER AND BE JOINED TO HIS WIFEAND THE TWO SHALL BECOME ONE FLESH’?6“So they are no longer two, but one flesh. What therefore God has joined together, let no man separate.”7They said to Him, “Why then did Moses command to GIVE HER A CERTIFICATE OF DIVORCE AND SEND her AWAY?”8He said to them, “Because of your hardness of heart Moses permitted you to divorce your wives; but from the beginning it has not been this way.9“And I say to you, whoever divorces his wife, except for immorality, and marries another woman commits adultery.

So one can see that MOSES JESUS and GENESIS all agree dat der is to be no sectirve tapings of butthxte nor any transfer of a man’s welath to da beernnake state nor shall any other man be allwedz allowedz to buttcock nor ginacock your wifez.  WHY DOES HELEN SMITH NOT QUOTE MOSES, NOR JESUS, NOR GENESIS? lzozoz  DOES SHE NOT SEE THAT RETURNING TO THE EXALTED PRINCIPLES SET FORTH IN THE GREAT BOOKS FOR MEN WOULD RESURRECT MARRIAGE?

Ask the neocons next time you see them–what do they have against the exalted wisdom of MOSES, JESUS, HOMER, and the GREAT BOOKS FOR MEN?

And as men are reading the Great Books for Men, they must start enacting their principles in the living world, so as to exalt our legal system and universities, for it is not enough to think and read, but virtue is ultimately defined by *action*.

One of the remarkable things you will learn by READING THE GREAT BOOKS FOR MEN is the contemporary inversion of Alpha and Beta.


In all too much of pop manosphere and neoconthz culture, the Alphas are teh secrtetive tapers of buttehxt and the negging wearers of furry hatsz.  While Odysseus and Christ and Aeneas resisted womanly and worldly temptations, the modern peacockingz neoconcth gamerz buttehxtesz them.  Note how while Charlotte Allen of the Weekly Standard refrains from ever speaking of Odysseus or Achilles or Aeneas, she dutifully repeats the lies of sectrieve taperz of buttehxt whose films lost $10,000,000+ on $12,000,000 budgets, thusly fitting the neocons’ definition of “Art” scucucctetehe” and “”manliness” by creating more debt than wealth while butthetxingz.

MAny churchian commenters at Dalrock’s blog preach that “Women crave exalted, manly, alpha leadership,” and what they mean by “exalted, manly, alpha leadership” is secrteive tapers of buttehxt buttehxting themz, instead of, say, the wisdom of MOSES, JESUS, ODYSSEUS, PAUL, ACHILLES, MISES, AENEAS, HOMER, VIRGIL, AND DANTE.  One of the remarkable aspects of Dalrcok’s Christian/Churchian blog is how THE GREAT BOOKS FOR MEN and Jesus and Moses are constantly under attack as his commenters oft  teach that 1) Jesus came not to fulfill the law, but to abolish it so as to sanctify their lust for buttcockingz, 2) The gospel of Jesus is “noise,” 3) High-value men are those who stick their cockasz in other men’s potential wives the most, 4) Homer’s Nobility is Satanic, and 4) Women crave exalted leadership and it is men’s fault that they do not get it: (BREAKING CHURCHIAN NEWS: All evil ever perpetuated by women is a man’s fault. For women naturally crave manly, exalted leadership. Sometimes it appears otherwise, but really, this is just a woman’s way of testing a man to see if he is strong enough to make her butt and gina tingellzlzo simultaneously. For instance, when a woman checks herself into an abortion clinic, by her choice, and has the baby vacuumed out of her womb, by her choice, it is no cause for alarm, as it is just a “shit-test” of the men in her life. Manly men will rise to the occasion, whence her butt and gina will tingle, and they can conceive another bastard out of wedlock, so she can shit-test him again by murdering her baby.)

One commenterzz at dalrockz blogz claimes but but but WOMENZ CRAVE MALE LEADERSHIZP (meaning of course not the exlated form of male leadership fournd in THE GRETA BOOKSF FOR MENZ but the domiznziece of peacockingz buttccoekrz). lzozoozozo

but, it is simply not true dat womenz crave exalted male leadership. read tehir cosmo and you will see dat womenz crave tipz on buttehxt and anal lubez, as opposed to, say, MOSES, MISES, HOMER, SHAKESPEARE, VIRGIL.  any time a woman is given a leadership pososition, it is for teh puroppoees of debauching and destorying the GREAT BOOKS FOR MENZ and NATURAL RIGHTS and FAMILY, GOD, and FAITH.

for afterall, Dear SSM,

If women are really craving male leadership,
Why do they not repeal
All the misandric, anti-male laws
which penalize and persecute men for leading?

As women are the vast majority of law students
why do they not form men’s rights legal groups
to defend the leadership of men?

SSM, as you state women crave male leadership,
why are not women acting in a way
to return male leadership to the center and circumference
of society?

SSM–are you going to blame this on men too
are you going to state that even though women
are the vast majority of law students
they need a man to found the men’s rights group
and lead women into it?

Is that what women are waiting for on all the college campuses?
Men to found men’s rights groups
and Corral/herd women into them?

SSM–you really do have quite a low opinion of women
and yet, you blame men for their inadequacies
and you see your low opinion of woman
as being a man’s fault.



To the neoconthz churchiansz Alpha= fornicating forinicating teahcing Jesus came t9 o abolish the law of Moses, now and then reaidng PJMedis, butteockcingz, creating debt, and never, ever, ever talking about THE GRETA BOOKS FOR MENZ nor the CLASSIXCXZ, except to teach that Homer, Virgil, and Dante are Satanic, while their own peakciingz and buttoccking and sectriev tapingz of butthetx is good, true, virtuous.

Beta traits to the PUA neocncths churchiansz= Honor, Integrity, Restraint, Purity, Valor, Piety, Refusal of Temptations, Duty, Courage

But in the GREAT BOOKS FOR MENZ, one finds the exact OPPOSITEZ.


DA GBFM REVIEWS HIS FRITS BOOKZ!!!  ”Men on Strike: Why Men Are Boycotting Marriage, Fatherhood, and the American Dream – and Why It Matters Yo YO yo llzooz” lzozozozozo


firstsoff i was rather dismayed to knotice some misspleiingz in da titles which should read:

Menz on Strike: Why Menz r Boycotting Marrying Benenrkiikfied PRe-Buttcocked, Desouledn Womenz, Risking Having der assetsts rapepdd by multi-asscocked womnz, DA  Farce of modern Fatherhood attacked by da BERNEKaz TV, and da fiat false American Dream as definedz by da elitez zlzozoozz- and Why It don’t relaly really Matters zlzozozozlz

Den da next sad sad so very sad thing I noticed about da book for menz titled MEN ON STRIKE is dat just like EVERY OTHER BOOK WRITTEN BY WOMEN FOR MENZ is dat it made no mention of

















nor DAVID form da bible story DAVID VS. GOLAITH


nor GOMMORRAHZ zlzlzolzo

nor NOAH






nor any of MY FRIENDZ

nor any of da GREAT BOOKZ FOR MENZ

NOR THE FALL OF EVE which launched DA BIBLE nor DA ADULTERY OF HELEN which laucnhed da TORJAN WAR

as if









and den when i found out da book made no metion of da GRETA BOKS FOR MENZ

nor classic epic heoresz which da neococnths hate while they exalt tucker mwax rhmeys with godlmanssnachsz da butcokeekrz in da wekelsy standadrdth lzozozolz

i got boredz and went and palyed some playatatstaion grand theft autos zlzozoz

and tunered on da ESPN and picked up a GBFM iliad hoddodyse HOMER JESUS & i texted a bunch of my hotties:








and den think dat they can write BOOKS FOR MEN



thusly endeth da GBFMZ first book rievewz lzozolzlz

i hope u ejoyedz it up next i will review da HBO seriez GIRLZ which at least dey get right with da fat fattassed fattie who takez it up da butt form a loser beoryfieerbndsz, so women can get womenz right (as dey feel da buttingzlzozo firts hand zlzooz), but when it comesz to classical, exalted, moral, menz like MOSES ZEUS JESUS SOCTRETATE CICERO CATO SENECAZ leave it to MENZ OKZ? lzlzozoozozozozo

ZEUS’ LIGHTNING & MOSES’ THUNDER: Da Reason Dey Banned da GREAT BOOKS 4 MENZ is dat da GREAT BOOKZ teach of the true nature of WOMENZ and da HONOR OF MEN.






Lots of people talk and few of them know,soul of a woman was created below.
Every day I work so hard, bringin’ home my hard earned pay, Try to love you baby, but you push me away.- LED ZEPPELIN – DAZED AND CONFUSED LYRICS


Da Reason Dey Banned da GREAT BOOKS 4 MENZ is dat da GREAT BOOKZ teach of the true nature of WOMENZ and da HONOR OF MEN.


You have to watch out [20] She doesn’t carry off all your treasure. You know what a woman’s heart is like. She wants to enrich the house of the one who weds her, Never mind about her former children And the husband she once loved. Once he’s dead, [25] She doesn’t give any of them a thought. –Homer; Lombardo, Stanley; Murnaghan, Sheila (2010-07-02). Odyssey (Translated & Annotated) (Kindle Locations 6813-6817). Hackett Publishing. Kindle Edition.

lzozoozozlzozoz dat is because a owmenz is gudied by materialz insticnstinct and mater = mother = matter = material you fanabaoyz zlzloolzolzoz.  DA ANCIENTZ KNEW IT–all dat da bernnkeifierz conceal and hidez as tehy d create false LAWS allowing womenz to arbitrarily transfer a man’s property and chirlederen to da state zlzlzlooz!!!



IN THE COMMENTS, leave samples and excerpts from the GREAT BOOKZ which teach game!!  AND also note how the GREAT BOOKZ they teach thingz GREATER THAN GAME (such as honor and civilizatin and freedom from punnanaizz zlozzoz and freedom form butthext) as there is more to life than being the 27th PUA to game some buttehxt off a modenrz ebebernankifed deousled womenz zlzozolzlzlozlzozoolzolzozlzloz

HEre is one for starters:


read homers lodysysyey!! duh!!!!

homer’s odysysey teaches that if you stand up to womenz you get to FUCK them lzozozozo

if you don’t stand up to dem dey turn you into pigs

yes homer was alomst as brrilliaaiant as heartistse lzozozozozo:


“‘And I will tell you of all the wicked witchcraft that Circe will
try to practise upon you. She will mix a mess for you to drink, and
she will drug the meal with which she makes it, but she will not be
able to charm you, for the virtue of the herb that I shall give you
will prevent her spells from working. I will tell you all about it.
When Circe strikes you with her wand, draw your sword and spring upon
her as though you were goings to kill her. She will then be frightened
and will desire you to go to bed with her; on this you must not point
blank refuse her, for you want her to set your companions free, and
to take good care also of yourself, but you make her swear solemnly
by all the blessed that she will plot no further mischief against
you, or else when she has got you naked she will unman you and make
you fit for nothing.’ ”




16 Unto the woman GOD said, I will greatly multiply thy sorrow and thy conception; in sorrow thou shalt bring forth children; and thy desire shall be to thy husband, and he shall rule over thee.

is it no wonder sad benerneiannkieirz funded fmeinnisnsmz to deconstruct the GRETA BOOKZ AND CLASSIZCXZ? zlozozzlzol


O, that this too too solid flesh would melt
Thaw and resolve itself into a dew!
Or that the Everlasting had not fix’d
His canon ‘gainst self-slaughter! O God! God!
How weary, stale, flat and unprofitable,
Seem to me all the uses of this world!
Fie on’t! ah fie! ’tis an unweeded garden,
That grows to seed; things rank and gross in nature
Possess it merely. That it should come to this!
But two months dead: nay, not so much, not two:
So excellent a king; that was, to this,
Hyperion to a satyr; so loving to my mother
That he might not beteem the winds of heaven
Visit her face too roughly. Heaven and earth!
Must I remember? why, she would hang on him,
As if increase of appetite had grown
By what it fed on: and yet, within a month–
Let me not think on’t–Frailty, thy name is woman!–
A little month, or ere those shoes were old
With which she follow’d my poor father’s body,
Like Niobe, all tears:–why she, even she–
O, God! a beast, that wants discourse of reason,
Would have mourn’d longer–married with my uncle,
My father’s brother, but no more like my father
Than I to Hercules: within a month:
Ere yet the salt of most unrighteous tears
Had left the flushing in her galled eyes,
She married. O, most wicked speed, to post
With such dexterity to incestuous sheets!
It is not nor it cannot come to good:
But break, my heart; for I must hold my tongue.


The nobler and more perfect a thing is, the later and slower is it in reaching maturity. Man reaches the maturity of his reasoning and mental faculties scarcely before he is eight-and-twenty; woman when she is eighteen; but hers is reason of very narrow limitations. This is why women remain children all their lives, for they always see only what is near at hand, cling to the present, take the appearance of a thing for reality, and prefer trifling matters to the most important. It is by virtue of man’s reasoning powers that he does not live in the present only, like the brute, but observes and ponders over the past and future; and from this spring discretion, care, and that anxiety which we so frequently notice in people. The advantages, as well as the disadvantages, that this entails, make woman, in consequence of her weaker reasoning powers, less of a partaker in them. Moreover, she is intellectually short-sighted, for although her intuitive understanding quickly perceives what is near to her, on the other hand her circle of vision is limited and does not embrace anything that is remote; hence everything that is absent or past, or in the future, affects women in a less degree than men. This is why they have greater inclination for extravagance, which sometimes borders on madness. Women in their hearts think that men are intended to earn money so that they may spend it, if possible during their husband’s lifetime, but at any rate after his death.

As soon as he has given them his earnings on which to keep house they are strengthened in this belief. Although all this entails many disadvantages, yet it has this advantage—that a woman lives more in the present than a man, and that she enjoys it more keenly if it is at all bearable. This is the origin of that cheerfulness which is peculiar to woman and makes her fit to divert man, and in case of need, to console him when he is weighed down by cares. To consult women in matters of difficulty, as the Germans used to do in old times, is by no means a matter to be overlooked; for their way of grasping a thing is quite different from ours, chiefly because they like the shortest way to the point, and usually keep their attention fixed upon what lies nearest; while we, as a rule, see beyond it, for the simple reason that it lies under our nose; it then becomes necessary for us to be brought back to the thing in order to obtain a near and simple view. This is why women are more sober in their judgment than we, and why they see nothing more in things than is really there; while we, if our passions are roused, slightly exaggerate or add to our imagination.

It is because women’s reasoning powers are weaker that they show more sympathy for the unfortunate than men, and consequently take a kindlier interest in them. On the other hand, women are inferior to men in matters of justice, honesty, and conscientiousness. Again, because their reasoning faculty is weak, things clearly visible and real, and belonging to the present, exercise a power over them which is rarely counteracted by abstract thoughts, fixed maxims, or firm resolutions, in general, by regard for the past and future or by consideration for what is absent and remote. Accordingly they have the first and principal qualities of virtue, but they lack the secondary qualities which are often a necessary instrument in developing it. Women may be compared in this respect to an organism that has a liver but no gall-bladder.9 So that it will be found that the fundamental fault in the character of women is that they have no “sense of justice.” This arises from their deficiency in the power of reasoning already referred to, and reflection, but is also partly due to the fact that Nature has not destined them, as the weaker sex, to be dependent on strength but on cunning; this is why they are instinctively crafty, and have an ineradicable tendency to lie. For as lions are furnished with claws and teeth, elephants with tusks, boars with fangs, bulls with horns, and the cuttlefish with its dark, inky fluid, so Nature has provided woman for her protection and defence with the faculty of dissimulation, and all the power which Nature has given to man in the form of bodily strength and reason has been conferred on woman in this form. Hence, dissimulation is innate in woman and almost as characteristic of the very stupid as of the clever. Accordingly, it is as natural for women to dissemble at every opportunity as it is for those animals to turn to their weapons when they are attacked; and they feel in doing so that in a certain measure they are only making use of their rights. Therefore a woman who is perfectly truthful and does not dissemble is perhaps an impossibility. This is why they see through dissimulation in others so easily; therefore it is not advisable to attempt it with them. From the fundamental defect that has been stated, and all that it involves, spring falseness, faithlessness, treachery, ungratefulness, and so on. In a court of justice women are more often found guilty of perjury than men. It is indeed to be generally questioned whether they should be allowed to take an oath at all. From time to time there are repeated cases everywhere of ladies, who want for nothing, secretly pocketing and taking away things from shop counters.



Good my lord,
How does your honour for this many a day?


I humbly thank you; well, well, well.


My lord, I have remembrances of yours,
That I have longed long to re-deliver;
I pray you, now receive them.


No, not I;
I never gave you aught.


My honour’d lord, you know right well you did;
And, with them, words of so sweet breath composed
As made the things more rich: their perfume lost,
Take these again; for to the noble mind
Rich gifts wax poor when givers prove unkind.
There, my lord.


Ha, ha! are you honest?


My lord?


Are you fair?


What means your lordship?


That if you be honest and fair, your honesty should
admit no discourse to your beauty.


Could beauty, my lord, have better commerce than
with honesty?


Ay, truly; for the power of beauty will sooner
transform honesty from what it is to a bawd than the
force of honesty can translate beauty into his
likeness: this was sometime a paradox, but now the
time gives it proof. I did love you once.


Indeed, my lord, you made me believe so.


You should not have believed me; for virtue cannot
so inoculate our old stock but we shall relish of
it: I loved you not.


I was the more deceived.


Get thee to a nunnery: why wouldst thou be a
breeder of sinners? I am myself indifferent honest;
but yet I could accuse me of such things that it
were better my mother had not borne me: I am very
proud, revengeful, ambitious, with more offences at
my beck than I have thoughts to put them in,
imagination to give them shape, or time to act them
in. What should such fellows as I do crawling
between earth and heaven? We are arrant knaves,
all; believe none of us. Go thy ways to a nunnery.
Where’s your father?


In India no woman is ever independent, but each one stands under the control of her father or her husband, or brother or son, in accordance with the law of Manu.

It is certainly a revolting idea that widows should sacrifice themselves on their husband’s dead body; but it is also revolting that the money which the husband has earned by working diligently for all his life, in the hope that he was working for his children, should be wasted on her paramours. Medium tenuere beati. The first love of a mother, as that of animals and men, is purely instinctive, and consequently ceases when the child is no longer physically helpless. After that, the first love should be reinstated by a love based on habit and reason; but this often does not appear, especially where the mother has not loved the father. The love of a father for his children is of a different nature and more sincere; it is founded on a recognition of his own inner self in the child, and is therefore metaphysical in its origin.

In almost every nation, both of the new and old world, and even among the Hottentots, property is inherited by the male descendants alone; it is only in Europe that one has departed from this. That the property which men have with difficulty acquired by long-continued struggling and hard work should afterwards come into the hands of women, who, in their want of reason, either squander it within a short time or otherwise waste it, is an injustice as great as it is common, and it should be prevented by limiting the right of women to inherit. It seems to me that it would be a better arrangement if women, be they widows or daughters, only inherited the money for life secured by mortgage, but not the property itself or the capital, unless there lacked male descendants. It is men who make the money, and not women; therefore women are neither justified in having unconditional possession of it nor capable of administrating it. Women should never have the free disposition of wealth, strictly so-called, which they may inherit, such as capital, houses, and estates. They need a guardian always; therefore they should not have the guardianship of their children under any circumstances whatever. The vanity of women, even if it should not be greater than that of men, has this evil in it, that it is directed on material things—that is to say, on their personal beauty and then on tinsel, pomp, and show. This is why they are in their right element in society. This it is which makes them inclined to be extravagant, especially since they possess little reasoning power. Accordingly, an ancient writer says, [Greek: Gunae to synolon esti dapanaeron physei].10 Men’s vanity, on the other hand, is often directed on non-material advantages, such as intellect, learning, courage, and the like. Aristotle explains in thePolitics11 the great disadvantages which the Spartans brought upon themselves by granting too much to their women, by allowing them the right of inheritance and dowry, and a great amount of freedom; and how this contributed greatly to the fall of Sparta. May it not be that the influence of women in France, which has been increasing since Louis XIII.‘s time, was to blame for that gradual corruption of the court and government which led to the first Revolution, of which all subsequent disturbances have been the result? In any case, the false position of the female sex, so conspicuously exposed by the existence of the “lady,” is a fundamental defect in our social condition, and this defect, proceeding from the very heart of it, must extend its harmful influence in every direction. That woman is by nature intended to obey is shown by the fact that every woman who is placed in the unnatural position of absolute independence at once attaches herself to some kind of man, by whom she is controlled and governed; this is because she requires a master. If she, is young, the man is a lover; if she is old, a priest.

lzozolzl good thing
that the GBFM
in my ARMY OF ONE lzozlzlzllozozooz
dat is ONE LOTATSSA COCKASZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



the following is from: http://www.womenintheancientworld.com/whatathenianmensaid.htm

“1) Aristotle said that man is by nature superior to the female and so the man should rule and the woman should be ruled.[1]
2) Demosthenes wrote “We keep hetaerae for the sake of pleasure, females slaves for our daily care and wives to give us legitimate children and to be the guardians of our households.”[2]
3) “A man who teaches a woman to write should know that he is providing poison to an asp.”[3]
4) Euripides has women characters make disparaging remarks about their sex:
a) I am only a woman, a thing which the world hates.[4]
b) No cure has been found for a woman’s venom, worse than that of reptiles. We are a curse to man.[5]
c) Men of sense should never let gossiping women visit their wives, for they work mischief.[6]
5) Hipponax, whose writing is quite abusive anyway, had this to say about women: “There are two days on which a woman is most pleasing—when someone marries her and when he carries out her dead body.”[7] This aphorism probably should be ignored, coming as it does from a Sixth Century BCE Ephesian whose malicious temperament left him with few friends in the land of his birth and very little good to say about anyone, but the remark is quoted too often today to be left out.
6) Hyperides said, “A woman who travels outside her house should be old enough that people ask whose mother she is, not whose wife she is.”[8]
7) In his Funeral Speech Pericles said, “A woman’s reputation is highest when men say little about her, whether it be good or evil.”[9]

It seems clear, then, that Athenians saw women as beguiling creatures capable of causing considerable harm to themselves and others, and weaker in mind and body than men. Many believed that young girls were somewhat wild and difficult to control and that virgins were subject to hallucinations that could encourage them to be self-destructive. The solution was an early marriage, for only after a woman had delivered her first baby could she be a fully-operational female.



Th following is form:



The Ancient Hebrew law code outlined in the Bible unfortunately lacks the detail that can be found in other ancient legal systems such as the Babylonian and Roman, but we can at least summarize the general principles.

1.      Marriage was called “taking a wife”

2.      It involved sexual intercourse

3.      While there was no death penalty in Hebrew law for property crimes, adultery was a capital offence for both participants.

4.      Marriage and children were necessary to have a fulfilled life. A childless woman could call herself a mother by giving her maid-servant to her husband as a second wife (assuming, of course, the maid-servant did indeed produce a child).

5.      A widow had the right to marry her husband’s brother if he lived in the same town.

6.      Polygyny was permitted but uncommon.

7.      Divorce was easy for a man and impossible for a woman.

8.      Childlessness was the most common reason for divorce

9.      The woman moved to the husband’s home and family

10.  While the husband was clearly the boss, each expected love from the other and a wife had the legal right to support.”






Genesis 3:16Unto the woman he said, I will greatly multiply thy sorrow and thy conception; in sorrow thou shalt bring forth children; and thy desire shall be to thy husband, and he shall rule over thee.

Isaiah 3:12As for my people, children are their oppressors, and women rule over them.

1 Corinthians 11:3But I would have you know, that the head of every man is Christ; and the head of the woman is the man; and the head of Christ is God.

1 Corinthians 14:34-36Let your women keep silence in the churches: for it is not permitted unto them to speak; but they are commanded to be under obedience as also saith the law. And if they will learn any thing, let them ask their husbands at home: for it is a shame for women to speak in the church.

Ephesians 5:22-24Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as unto the Lord. For the husband is the head of the wife, even as Christ is the head of the church: and he is the saviour of the body. Therefore as the church is subject unto Christ, so let the wives be to their own husbands in every thing.

Colossians 3:18Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as it is fit in the Lord.

1 Timothy 2:11-15Let the woman learn in silence with all subjection. But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence. For Adam was first formed, then Eve. And Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived was in the transgression. Notwithstanding she shall be saved in childbearing.

Titus 2:4-5Teach the young women to be … obedient to their own husbands, that the word of God be not blasphemed.

1 Peter 3:1Likewise, ye wives, be in subjection to your own husbands.”


‘Tis why the PUAs also hate HOMER and SOCRATESZ and CICERO.

Here’s a list of books the PUAS hate and detest and regularly attack, excoriate, and vote down so as to please the central banking feminsista fanboyz who rule over them via butt tingzlzozoz:

1. Homer’s Iliad
2. Homer’s Odyssey
3. Exodus & Ecclesiastes & The Psalms
4. Virgil’s Aeneid
5. Socrates’ Apology
6. The Book of Matthew & Jefferson’s Bible
7. Plato’s Repulic
8. Seneca’s Letters from a Stoic
9. Aristotle’s Poetics
10. Dante’s Inferno
11. The Declaration of Independence
12. The Constitution
13. John Milton’s Paradise Lost
14. Shakespeare’s Hamlet
15. Newton’s Principia
16. Adam Smith’s Wealth of Nations and Theory of Moral Sentiments
17. Henry David Thoreau’s Walden
18. Mark Twain’s Huckleberry Finn (& all of his work)
19. Shakespeare’s Hamlet
20. Ludwig von Mises’ A Theory of Money and Credit
21. F.A. Hayek’s The Road to Serfdom
22. Herman Melville’s Moby Dick
23. Einstein’s The Meaning of Relativity
24. Joseph Campbell’s The Hero With a Thousand Faces and The Power of Myth
25. Ron Paul’s Revolution & End the Fed


The renaissance hath begun.

As Athena called Telemachus to adventure–to sail forth and learn the news of His True Father Odysseus, so too does GBFM call upon ye to man up, sail forth, and learn the news of your true Fathers.

Like Hamlet you came of age in a world where your father–THE GREAT BOOKS FOR MEN–had been murdered. Where they had been debauched, debased, bernenekfified out of the fiat-debt curriculum. And just as Hamlet’s Father called upon Him to Avenge his Death and Set the World Right, so too do I call upon all of ye buton-mashing gamersz and manboob betasz churchians to Man Up and Honor Your True Fathers.

Like Odysseus’s son Telemachus you came of age in a house occupied by false suitors trying to buttehxt your mom Penelope alongside your future wife, deosuling her faster than Bill Bennett can gamble away a million dollars in Vegas. You came of age in a home absent of your true Father–Odysseus and THE GREAT BOOKS FOR MEN.

Like Telemachus and Hamlet, you were born to know of your Fathers and do the work of your Fathers, as did Jesus. And like Jesus, you were born into a fallen world occupied by arrogant neeoconth Scribes and Pharisees, lorded over by intellectually-indifferent Pontius Pilates, ruled by mobs (and female prison wardensz lzozlz) who vote to set the murderer free, while sending Jesus to die upon the Cross.

But all of that was then, and This is Now.

Do not fail to Honor your Fathers by neglecting to live for the Classical, Epic Honor that so many of them not only Lived for, but Died For.

Do not turn away from the vast Gifts they bequeathed you with–THE GREAT BOOKS AND CLASSICS.

Begin today, begin today, all ye fanboyz mashing buttonz in your single-mom’s basements, all you PUA artsitsz trying to get your occkas wet in sterile bungholez and sterilized ginaholez made sterile by the fed’s before and morning after pillz. Begin today, all my fatherless, ritalin-addicted, gold-farming sons and READ the GREAT BOOKS FOR MEN.

Learn of the HONOR of your FATHERS form Achilles and Moses on down. The tiny-cckcoaaks white-knighting Churchians will scowl and stamp their feet and scream at you that Jesus cam to Abolish the Law, while Jesus himself stated that He came to Fulfill it.

When you were a child ye partook in childish things–in mashing buttons in your meaningless videogamez.

But now that you are a Man, it is time to Man Up, which does not mean marrying a babebrnekified beenrnakified butethxted, desouled, single monz, but reading THE GREAT BOOKS FOR MEN.

Begin today my firendz. BEGIINZ TODAYZ.

I propose that a renaissance in the Great Books and Classics is needed so as to re-instill a more traditional Code of Honor which will enrich the lives of men, women, and children, and liberate us all from the debt-financed debauchery, deconstruction, and debasement.

All men should begin immediately by reading the following books which the central bankers and their fellow churchians hate, fear, and detest:

1. Homer’s Iliad
2. Homer’s Odyssey
3. Exodus & Ecclesiastes & The Psalms
4. Virgil’s Aeneid
5. Socrates’ Apology
6. The Book of Matthew & Jefferson’s Bible
7. Plato’s Repulic
8. Seneca’s Letters from a Stoic
9. Aristotle’s Poetics
10. Dante’s Inferno
11. The Declaration of Independence
12. The Constitution
13. John Milton’s Paradise Lost
14. Shakespeare’s Hamlet
15. Newton’s Principia
16. Adam Smith’s Wealth of Nations and Theory of Moral Sentiments
17. Henry David Thoreau’s Walden
18. Mark Twain’s Huckleberry Finn (& all of his work)
19. Shakespeare’s Hamlet
20. Ludwig von Mises’ A Theory of Money and Credit
21. F.A. Hayek’s The Road to Serfdom
22. Herman Melville’s Moby Dick
23. Einstein’s The Meaning of Relativity
24. Joseph Campbell’s The Hero With a Thousand Faces and The Power of Myth
25. Ron Paul’s Revolution & End the Fed

And as men are reading the Great Books for Men, they must start enacting their principles in the living world, so as to exalt our legal system and universities, for it is not enough to think and read, but virtue is ultimately defined by *action*.

what is the manosphere? da manosphere summarzied by daGBFM

Da Manosphere circa 2013 zlzozozl
(1) Man up and marry those buttocked sluts (Blue Pill William Bennett)
(2) Build a life of butthext buttthexting beta’s future wives lzlzozozlz (PUA)
(3) Forsake butthext and all owners of said buttholizozlzlzo (MGTOW)
(4) Be patient and pray 4 da buttcocking to stop (Traditional)
(5) Try to stop the buttehxting from within da matrix (MRA)
(6) Let them eat bbutthext. (Neocon)
(7) She says she’s only been buttehxted seven times by four guys and is as good as new as she repented and da minister forgave her as he was one of da four guysz. (Churchian)
(8) voyage beyond da butthext and Read the GREAT BOOKS FOR MEN and restore honor to civilization via a renaissance lzlzlozlz. (GBFMster)

“Earl says:
May 15, 2013 at 12:55 pm
I think manosphere should be renamed to GBFMOSPHERE. That will solve everything.”

“Beefy Levinson says:
May 15, 2013 at 1:09 pm
I second Earl. Discovering the manosphere was a good thing for me, but soaking up the wisdom of DA GBFM lzzozozozololzozozzolol is even better!”

YESSSS!!!! IT WODL SOLVE IT ALLA!!!! LL!! lzozlzzoozozoz


Ultimately, the Manosphere marches towards one, exalted Goal:

The Great Books for Men
All our troubles could be solved
And the decline opposed and halted
were we only to return
set forth by our FATHERS

Were our courts and churches and universities
infused with the SPIRIT OF
then the family would be exalted once again
alongside civilization
and all that is good.

When the CHURCHIANS stop raging against HOMER, MOSES, AND JESUS
And the PUAs pick up HOMER, MOSES, and JESUS instead of skanky butcocked skankz
Then shall the renaissance dawn
And then shall we join our
so that MEN could guide and exalt society
manifest civilization



The renaissance hath begun.

As Athena called Telemachus to adventure–to sail forth and learn the news of His True Father Odysseus, so too does GBFM call upon ye to man up, sail forth, and learn the news of your true Fathers.

Like Hamlet you came of age in a world where your father–THE GREAT BOOKS FOR MEN–had been murdered.  Where they had been debauched, debased, bernenekfified out of the fiat-debt curriculum.  And just as Hamlet’s Father called upon Him to Avenge his Death and Set the World Right, so too do I call upon all of ye buton-mashing gamersz and manboob betasz churchians to Man Up and Honor Your True Fathers.

Like Odysseus’s son Telemachus you came of age in a house occupied by false suitors trying to buttehxt your mom Penelope alongside your future wife, deosuling her faster than Bill Bennett can gamble away a million dollars in Vegas.  You came of age in a home absent of your true Father–Odysseus and THE GREAT BOOKS FOR MEN.

Like Telemachus and Hamlet, you were born to know of your Fathers and do the work of your Fathers, as did Jesus.  And like Jesus, you were born into a fallen world occupied by arrogant neeoconth Scribes and Pharisees, lorded over by intellectually-indifferent Pontius Pilates, ruled by mobs (and female prison wardensz lzozlz) who vote to set the murderer free, while sending Jesus to die upon the Cross.

But all of that was then, and This is Now.

Do not fail to Honor your Fathers by neglecting to live for the Classical, Epic Honor that so many of them not only Lived for, but Died For.

Do not turn away from the vast Gifts they bequeathed you with–THE GREAT BOOKS AND CLASSICS.

Begin today, begin today, all ye fanboyz mashing buttonz in your single-mom’s basements, all you PUA artsitsz trying to get your occkas wet in sterile bungholez and sterilized ginaholez made sterile by the fed’s before and morning after pillz.  Begin today, all my fatherless, ritalin-addicted, gold-farming sons and READ the GREAT BOOKS FOR MEN.

Learn of the HONOR of your FATHERS form Achilles and Moses on down.  The tiny-cckcoaaks white-knighting Churchians will scowl and stamp their feet and scream at you that Jesus cam to Abolish the Law, while Jesus himself stated that He came to Fulfill it.

When you were a child ye partook in childish things–in mashing buttons in your meaningless videogamez.

But now that you are a Man, it is time to Man Up, which does not mean marrying a babebrnekified beenrnakified butethxted, desouled, single monz, but reading THE GREAT BOOKS FOR MEN.

Begin today my firendz.  BEGIINZ TODAYZ.

I propose that a renaissance in the Great Books and Classics is needed so as to re-instill a more traditional Code of Honor which will enrich the lives of men, women, and children, and liberate us all from the debt-financed debauchery, deconstruction, and debasement.

All men should begin immediately by reading the following books which the central bankers and their fellow churchians hate, fear, and detest:

1. Homer’s Iliad
2. Homer’s Odyssey
3. Exodus & Ecclesiastes & The Psalms
4. Virgil’s Aeneid
5. Socrates’ Apology
6. The Book of Matthew & Jefferson’s Bible
7. Plato’s Repulic
8. Seneca’s Letters from a Stoic
9. Aristotle’s Poetics
10. Dante’s Inferno
11. The Declaration of Independence
12. The Constitution
13. John Milton’s Paradise Lost
14. Shakespeare’s Hamlet
15. Newton’s Principia
16. Adam Smith’s Wealth of Nations and Theory of Moral Sentiments
17. Henry David Thoreau’s Walden
18. Mark Twain’s Huckleberry Finn (& all of his work)
19. Shakespeare’s Hamlet
20. Ludwig von Mises’ A Theory of Money and Credit
21. F.A. Hayek’s The Road to Serfdom
22. Herman Melville’s Moby Dick
23. Einstein’s The Meaning of Relativity
24. Joseph Campbell’s The Hero With a Thousand Faces and The Power of Myth
25. Ron Paul’s Revolution & End the Fed

And as men are reading the Great Books for Men, they must start enacting their principles in the living world, so as to exalt our legal system and universities, for it is not enough to think and read, but virtue is ultimately defined by *action*.

in bloated william bennet’s “book of man,” he leaves out the heart and soul of western civilization. a better name for bennet’s book would have been, “the book of fanboy manginas.”


in bloated william bennet’s “book of man,” he leaves out the heart and soul of western civilization. a better name for bennet’s book would have been, “the book of fanboy manginas.”

jesus battled with the old, pedantic, dead-souled scribes in matthew 23, for which he was put to death.  king leonidas had to consult with the corrupt, rotting, old counsel.  in braveheart robert the bruce’s corrupt father had a face of rotting flesh.  bill bennet reminds me of all of these, after a seven-day vegas-bender whence millions of fiat dollars, earned from an insincere, copy-and-paste “book of virtues” were gambled away.

ye shall know them by their fruits, it has been written, and bill bennet is the godfather of all the debt and debauchery–of all the divorce and destitution–of the incessant asscocking, buttcocking, and desouling of the culture and currency–of the false, fiat virtues he is paid fiat dollarz to espouse and promote as the hollow man blimps up on CNN.

bennet ignores the central, exalted message of genesis, and then ups the ante (as a gambling addict) by debauching and debasing the iliad faster than a neocon can debase a dollar to fund the perpetual warfare/welfare state. to top it all off, bennet ignores the most-decorated war veteran of all time in his “book of fanboy manginas.”

completely absent from bennet’s book is the awesome work of the jews in genesis:

14 And the Lord God said unto the serpent, Because thou hast done this, thou art cursed above all cattle, and above every beast of the field; upon thy belly shalt thou go, and dust shalt thou eat all the days of thy life:

15 And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel.

16 Unto the woman he said, I will greatly multiply thy sorrow and thy conception; in sorrow thou shalt bring forth children; and thy desire shall be to thy husband, and he shall rule over thee.

in the classical, judeo-christian, chivalric context, a man would man up as he would be guaranteed a non-asscocked, chaste woman who be shamed out of not acting on and serving every gina tingle and butt tingle. instead of serving her butt and gina tingles, a woman would be expected to serve god, man, and family. for this, she would be honored in a civilized context, and she would realize her greater mythology as a mother, wife, and grandmother, instead of an asscocked, aging spinster with cats, working to expand the fed’s debt alongside her ass.

completely absent from bennet’s book is the divine RAGE of ACHILLES–the very center and circumference of homer’s iliad. the first word of the iliad is RAGE, as achilles is robbed of his prize and property by his commander; and so, his anger ignited, achilles quits the greek army in the first showdown between man and state. zeus sides with achilles, exalting the Natural Law that John Locke and Thomas Jefferson would someday exalt in their respective poetry–the very same Natural Law that Moses exalted when he rebelled against the corrupt Pharoah–the Natural Law that William Bennet detests in all his blundering ignorance regarding the monetary system which robs the common man and places future generations in debt to send today’s best and brightest to die on foreign shores in foreign wars. achilles rages as he reasons, “if i’m the one fighting, doing all the work, why are you–the king and his william bennett vegas cronies who never ‘buckle on armor’ getting all the rewards?” indeed, so might a marine wonder these days, if he’s taking all the risks for a few hundred dollars a month, why does bill bennet get to sit back home in vegas, gambling millions away while ballooning up like a big old blimp of debauched, foul hot air? so it is that bill bennet is working for the fiat bankers in all his blustering, bloating books, which serve far more to debauch and desecrate–to contort and confuse–than they do to exalt and enlighten. why isn’t bill bennet telling all the army-wives to “woman up” and stop with the buttcocking adultery, and serve their men with loyalty as Yahweh commands them to, and as Penelope does in Homer’s Odyssey? It’s because bennet is well-paid in fiat dollar to hate on homer, the bible, and the honorable serviceman like ron paul, while bennett himself never served in any branch of the armed forces.  CNN rewards him for his supreme ignorance of the spirit on the Great Books and Classics, which he makes his arrogance.

finally, bill bennet, who “never buckled on armor nor suited up for battle” in the words of achilles, also ignores the most-decorated general of our own era–the noble Smedley Butler:

“War is a racket. It always has been. It is possibly the oldest, easily the most profitable, surely the most vicious. It is the only one international in scope. It is the only one in which the profits are reckoned in dollars and the losses in lives. A racket is best described, I believe, as something that is not what it seems to the majority of the people. Only a small ‘inside’ group knows what it is about. It is conducted for the benefit of the very few, at the expense of the very many. Out of war a few people make huge fortunes.”
In another often cited quote from the book Butler says:
I spent 33 years and four months in active military service and during that period I spent most of my time as a high class muscle man for Big Business, for Wall Street and the bankers. In short, I was a racketeer, a gangster for capitalism. I helped make Mexico and especially Tampico safe for American oil interests in 1914. I helped make Haiti and Cuba a decent place for the National City Bank boys to collect revenues in. I helped in the raping of half a dozen Central American republics for the benefit of Wall Street. I helped purify Nicaragua for the International Banking House of Brown Brothers in 1902-1912. I brought light to the Dominican Republic for the American sugar interests in 1916. I helped make Honduras right for the American fruit companies in 1903. In China in 1927 I helped see to it that Standard Oil went on its way unmolested. Looking back on it, I might have given Al Capone a few hints. The best he could do was to operate his racket in three districts. I operated on three continents.
[/quote] –http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/War_Is_a_Racket –War Is a Racket is the title of two works, a speech and a booklet, by retired United States Marine Corps Major General and two time Medal of Honor recipient Smedley D. Butler. In them, Butler frankly discusses from his experience as a career military officer how business interests commercially benefit from warfare.

Compare warrior Smedley’s words to those of Achilles, who also questions the utility of war for the heroic soul:

Ulysses, noble son of Laertes, I should give you formal notice plainly and in all fixity of purpose that there be no more of this cajoling, from whatsoever quarter it may come. Him do I hate even as the gates of hell who says one thing while he hides another in his heart; therefore I will say what I mean. I will be appeased neither by Agamemnon son of Atreus nor by any other of the Danaans, for I see that I have no thanks for all my fighting. He that fights fares no better than he that does not; coward and hero are held in equal honour, and death deals like measure to him who works and him who is idle. I have taken nothing by all my hardships- with my life ever in my hand; as a bird when she has found a morsel takes it to her nestlings, and herself fares hardly, even so man a long night have I been wakeful, and many a bloody battle have I waged by day against those who were fighting for their women. With my ships I have taken twelve cities, and eleven round about Troy have I stormed with my men by land; I took great store of wealth from every one of them, but I gave all up to Agamemnon son of Atreus. He stayed where he was by his ships, yet of what came to him he gave little, and kept much himself.

And so you see why the gambling, warmongering, chicken-hawk, mysandric, soulless Bennett is calling upon men to man up while debauching and deconstructing their heritage–it is because, at the fiat baneker’s behest, he needs the men to take all the risk, while bennet and the fiat bankers get all the rewards, celebrating their conquest of other men’s future wives with the famous buttocker and secretive taper of butthext tucker max rhymes with goldman sax, who the weekly standard casts as a six-foot tall hero, repeating the butthexer’s lies, while ignoring the true, selfless heroism of those Achilles and Smedley Butlers fighting and dying on foreign shores in foreign fiat wars.

In his later years, Thomas Jefferson wrote, “They all fall off, one by one, until one is left with Virgil and Homer, and perhaps Homer alone.”  Jefferson advocated the gold standard and railed against central banks.  Jefferson penned the Declaration of Independence.  And so you can see that William Bennett is a Judas, selling out Jefferson, Virgil, and Homer, all for a few fiat dollars and short-lived fame.  Nay–he is worse than Judas, as at least Judas was paid in Silver, while William Bennet is paid in fiat debt for his soulless, ignorant debauchery, which he gambles away as sure as tomorrow is a new day.


how the federal reserve system created the PUA community lzozlzlzloozlzllzll!! they DO NO wan t the men to read mises or hayek or jefferson or the us constitution lzozlzlzlz they want to keep the men in the fiat masters’ cave — the fiat butthex matrix — “gaming” and fighting over the table scraps of all the desoulaed, haggaard, std-ridden, vicious, gold-digging, cold, defeminized, prozac-addled womenz the fiat masters buttthexed and deosuled in college during teh primae nocate ceremeonies, instead of manning up and fighting for their dvine irght to something far greater — an honorable, virtuous wife. lzozllzllzllzozzlz

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omg i cannot beleive how many betas think that peacocking and wearring furry hats like mystery is being an alpha! lzozllzlz it’s almost as bad as neocons trying to herald and exalt secrteive tapers of sodomy as butthexual heroes while repeating the butthexers and secretive tapers of butthexer’s lies in their “conservative” magaiznes lzozlzozlzlzlzl. omg it makes me lzolzlzozzlozol so hard that my ribs hurt zlozlzlzl

anyways teh federal resevre system not only creates money form thin air but that money is debt based and thus they can charge interest on it zlzozolzl and bankrupt and vampire suck an entiure oucntry of not only its property but its soul which is why neocon womenzs encourage young girls ot lust after undead vampire monsters in twilight who wear way too much makeup lzozlzozlzl and make the teen gina tingles lingles as teh federal reserve dicattes that all of entirety must be ruled by gina tingles and thus when a owmenz gina tingles in marriage she should act on it as the fed ahas funded and trained lawyers abd judgeds to seize her husbands promperty ieven if she is found fuciki9ng his best firend ojn tehir coffee table when he comes home agter a hard day;s work zlozlzlz the entire feminist moveement was created to expand teh police state into the home turning mwomenz against their husbands shidlerns god and the fmaily and the unborn as the neoocns trained put womenz on the front linez of their preemeptive war against the unborn in which women gallently and heroically murdered 50,000,000 unborn since roe vs. wade and were rewarded with lotsa butthex on demand from tgeh neocons favorite secrteive tapers of butthex for doing so lzozlzozlzozzlozzlozzlzozzlzozo. the neocns are good at math an dthey calcualted and determined it would be cheaper to train women to kill their kids and seize tehir husband;s property than it would be to train an army of jack booted thugs to dod so lzozlzozlzlzlzozoz and also the neoncs could have the womenz wear skirts and makeup and act like innocent little girls just killing their unborn chicldren for the greater good of humanity as it is chepar to hire pre-grown mexican labor wall stereet determined and claulated, tahn it is to take owmen out fo the fiat masters workforce to rais etheir own chidlren.

so how does this relate to the PUA movement?>?!?!?

i’m getting there so clam the fuck down!!

many of youse have been rwsiased on ritalin with no dads to tell you to fucking work hard and fucking shut up and fucking pay attention, and thus you act like little ritalain addicts which is the way the fed wants tit mashing buttons in your menaingless videogames in your single mom’s basmemnt turning up the playsattion volume to drown out the sounds of your mom upstairs banging biker cock which teh fed funds anmd encourages to put it in her butt and which your real dad is forced to pay for and asubsidize after he cuaght her cheating with the pool boy lzozlzlzlzllz and never nmanning up and going forth and finidg your true ftahers and the reading the constitution for yourself nor homers odyssey in which telemanchus must also rid his mhome of teh false suitors and teh us constitution which states that only congeress shall eb able to coin money and that it must be gold or silver but not fiat butthexing paper lzozlzlzozlzlzlzlz.

anywaz so the fed desouls womenz form an early age via numerous methods:

1) the slutting up of teen pop culture heroes lzozlzlzolzzlolzlzl brittany and now miley as disney is used to baiut and witch and sluttify children zlzozlzlzl
2) teh asscocking and anal sexing of girls with the assockcers and secrteive tapers of butthex who lie about tehir heiaght and are short, lying, douchbages being promoted as heores, while those bleeding to death in the neocns wars on foreign shores are ignored lzozlzlzlzzlzo
3) the constant barrage of ant-soul eductaion telling girls that their strong father who is trying to keep the short, lying docuhebag’s cock out of her ass and teh storng father who would beat the shit out of the assocker and short, lying secretive taper of butthex is really just oprressing her, and after ahwiel girls really ebgin to beleiev that teh fiat dollar is god and that ass cocking is tehir divine right and that any one who comes out agiants secrteiev tapings of asscockinsg is really just repressed. lzozlzlz
4) freud took everyying virtuius like love and committment and refusing temptations and labeled it a “repression” in the same way a fiat dollar takes everyoneg good like a hard day’s work and renders it worthless as the fiat master hire a police force to sezie the property ans assets while trianing women to lure men into marrigae and to “tame them” in jonah goldberg’s words and seize their asstts lzozlzlz. for the only problem with a fiat debt based dollar i=s that it is the opposite of welath lzozlzlz and thus the fiat masters devote tehir lives to rtrying to conbevert debt based fiat dollars into physical wealth and property which is why they come up with mba buzzwords and mba bubbles as the dot com bubble and real estate bubble and al l bubbles are the conscious mechanism via which fiat debt is covnerted into phsyical property as all teh risk is socilaized an dall teh profits privataized as worthless debt rtickles on down and phsycial proeprty and welath trickler on up form teh workwer creater artist and musician to the ifat matsers lzozlzozlzlzl and so the world is inverted as those who create are robbed, and those who bullshit are rewarded lzozlzlzozzlzlzl that is why leftists come out againats property rigts amnd anyone who advocates a fiat currency is aginst property rights lzozlzozzlzl as they want to be able to buy and seize your property by doing nothing but cxreatinge fiat debt zlzozlzl which is why they had to kill the family and debauch teh cultrue and currency lzozlzozlzl and kill teh heoric spirit and replace homer moses socrates aeneies with tcuekr max lzozllzlzl their butthexual secrteive tpaer of sodomy without teh girl’s conthen “siux foot tall” hero lzozlzlz

which brings us to the PUA movementy

as girls are deosuled and desouled and trained by the fed to seize a man’s assets and use their sex appeal not to serva a husband abnd fmaily but to transfer assets and weatlth form men to their pimp daddy ben beranke lzozlzlzlzlzl, by and by trhey lose their worth to men.

i mean lzozllzzl we’re not all that stoooopid lzozlz.

as a girl is deosuled in teh fiat fed noecon assocking secrteive tapings of butthex sessions, and converted into a soulless instrument of wealth transfer, her only value lies in the titllation that she provides, while the enertal chance for immortal love that our grandparenst knew and which fmeinsit professors label opression as the fed funds them to do, is lost forever lzozlzlzlzlzl!!

like a wise ghirl who wnats to live the glory honorable story of bride wife mother must strt as a vergin and then forver sevre and be loyal to one man lozzllzlzl

lzozlzlzllles! go all the femtards who are stoo stoopid and take lotsa cocka in all tehir orifices na dthen go “where idd lal the good men go?” when they hit 40 lzozlzlz google that roissy cartoone “where did all teh good men go? ms paint roissy cartoon” lzozlzlzl



well anywayz as behind every woman now stands a banker pimp going “BE SURE TO GET AS MUCHMONEY OUT OF TEH BETAS AS POSSIBLE AND IN RETURN WE PROMISTE YOU SECRETIVETAPINGS FROM ASSOCKING ALPHAS FILMED WITHOUT YOUR CONTHENT,” it only makes sense that a man’s goal by and by beocmes to get a smuch sex as possible without paying for it lzozlzlzozlzlz.

and that’s where game comes in.

becayuse teh federal reserve funded feminisma nd cretaed feminisms to transfer welath from men to the fed, break up teh family, but teh kids in corprate state daycare, and expand teh powers of teh stae into teh home, repalcing teh classical rugged fateh with fiat cash, the fed created the PUA game by changing the game and stakcing it against men lzozlzlzlzllz

now the fed also supports the PUA game as men wearing furry hats and spenidng tehir days working wmeiangless jobs while buying books on game purporting to help them get tehir cocks wet onece every two years is exactly what the fed wants. they DO NO wan t the men to read mises or hayek or jefferson or the us constitution lzozlzlzlz they want to keep the men in the fiat masters’ cave — the fiat butthex matrix — “gaming” and fighting over the table scraps of all the desoulaed, haggaard, std-ridden, vicious, gold-digging, cold, defeminized, prozac-addled womenz the fiat masters buttthexed and deosuled in college during teh primae nocate ceremeonies, instead of manning up and fighting for their dvine irght to something far greater — an honorable, virtuous wife. lzozllzllzllzozzlzl

and so you get what we have here, which is the wya he wants it, well he gets it. some men you just can’t reach. lzozlzlzlzlzlzzlzl

i can show you the way, neo, but you will have to walk it zlozlzlzozzlozlzlzo

ozlzlz the more you read me and roissy the mroe your life will improve as you come to see the fiat butthex matrix for what it is — you will see the green streams of fiat data (dripping with buttdouche fresh off the butthex presses) like the matrix but with a subltle difference as some of you wieinsteinas have already seen for urself lzozzll

at the ned of the matrix neo saw it as


and when you have walked the path you too will see the butthexing matrix for what it is and how the fed funded the desouling of womenz with massive amounts of douchcock frrom an early age in all tehir orfices and are acting through the soulles temptresses to seize your assetts now when a girl says, “what i really really want is a nice guy, i’m tired of the asswholes (lozlzl who got her younger hotter tighter)” instead of hearing what she says and then trying to be a nice guy you will hear the truth behind the butthexing matrix’s facade lzozlzl:

douchebag10to butthex me0101
010and i want you 2 buy me100
01meals and a ring while i01011
0101give by butt & vagina01010
010away for free to butthexers1
100who tape it scretely lzozl100
zlzozllzlzlzozlzozzloozzllz and101
1010make my anus sore for010
1010days010101 101010101011
0101pay 4 my meals0101001010
101stds stds stds0101010101010
10101buy me 1010a ring1010101


the sublime act of butthex is a beuatiful metaphor for what the fed does to a currency and a country, which is why the neocon weekly standard celebrates butthexers–es[pecially those who taope it without the girkl's conthent and profit off the act. lzozlzlzlzl!

[on the war that devastated the Real World]
Morpheus: We don’t know who butthexed first, us or them. But we do know it was them that videotaped it without our consent while scorching the sky wioth a long trail of butthex lies. At the time, they were dependent on butthex power. It was believed they would be unable to survive without an energy source as abundant as the common man’s collective anushole. lozzllzlzlzzl

Trinity: I know why you’re here, Neo. I know what you’ve been doing… why you hardly sleep, why you live alone, and why night after night, you sit by your computer reading roissy & GBFM. You’re looking for him. I know because I was once looking for the same thing. And when he found me, he told me I wasn’t really looking for him. I was looking for an answer. It’s the question that drives us, Neo. It’s the question that brought you here. You know the question, just as I did.
Neo: What is the butthex fiat Mathrix?
Trinity: The answer is out there, Neo, and it’s looking for you, and it will find you if you want it to.

[Neocon sees a black cat walk by them, and then a similar black cat walk by them just like the first one]
Neocon: Whoa. Déjà vu.
[Everyone freezes right in their tracks]
Trinity: What did you just say?
Neocon: Nothing. Just had a little déjà vu.
Trinity: What did you see?
Cypher: What happened?
Neocon: A black cat went past us, and then another that looked just like it.
Trinity: How much like it? Was it the same cat?
Neocon: It might have been. I’m not sure.
Morpheus: Switch! Apoc!
Neocon: What is it?
Trinity: A déjà vu is usually a glitch in the butthexMatrix. It happens when they change something. Now that I am an aging women in the butthex matrix with her eggs and gina drying up having given the best years of her anus to drunk alphas during her college desouling years via massively multiplayer asscockig in the butt sessions and getting her fiat mba (masters of butthexing in da Anus) and blowing upper level mangement lzozllz, the butthexmatrix is now delivering my cats. Two this morning and now two more. yaya! lozlzl


Morpheus: The Fiat lozllolozllzzl butthex Matrix is a system, Neo. That system is our enemy. lzozozozozl! But when you’re inside, you look around, what do you see? Businessmen, bloggers, teachers, betas, lawyers, herbs, carpenters, and neocon womenz writing for the weekly standard, repeating the fiat lies of secretive tapers of butthex without teh girls conthent lzozlzlzlzl. The very minds and anusholes of the people we are trying to save. But until we do, these people are still a part of that butthex system and that makes them our anus’s lozlzlzozzozozl enemy. You have to understand, most of these people are not ready to be unbuttplugged. And many of them are so inured to butthex, so hopelessly dependent on the system of secretive tapings of butthex without tehir conthent, that they will fight to protect it and reapet the lies of secretive tapers of butthex in teh pages of the weekly standard even though they seem to be nice neocon ladies.
[Neo's eyes suddenly wander towards a woman in a red dress]
Morpheus: Were you listening to me, Neo? Or were you looking at the woman in the red dress (woman as temptress in the heor’s journey myth) who was desouled via copious fiat-funded butthex from butthexers celerbated in teh pages of the weekly standard?
Neo: I was…
Morpheus: [gestures with one hand] Look again.
[the desouled, massively-butthexed woman in the red dress is now a bestselling new york times author, pointing a cock at Neo's ass; Neo ducks]
Morpheus: Freeze it.
[Everybody and everything besides Neo and Morpheus freezes in time]
Neo: This… this isn’t the butthex Matrix?
Morpheus: No. It is another training program designed to teach you one thing: if you are not one of us lozlzlzlzlers, you are one of them butthexers.


i wanna start lzozlzlzl media where we have a character based on roissy who sees green streams of streaming data every time a bernankified chick opens her moutrh and throughout every episode all the herbs and betas pay for the meals of the chix roissy butthexes in the end due to his supreme knowelge of being THE ONE lzozlzlzllzzl

i would be more like one of those minor characters along for the ride in the mother ship stanidng off to the side going lzozlzz zlzozlzozlzozlz zlzozllzozlzlzlz and don’t gte me worng i would score with all the hotties but like roissy woudl get first pick for his lead dick and i’d get the next two as that’s only fair lzozlzlzlzllzlzllzl

“to propose to a owman is to give someone a diamond who so many others had when she was younger hotter tighter tighter hotter younger FOR FREE!!!!” lzozlz

lzozlzl !


shouitout to my main man roiisy in dc!! http://roissy.wordpress.com/2010/03/31/the-number-one-dead-giveaway-that-your-wife-is-about-to-cheat/#comment-163499

i can’t believe that you lzoozozlzlzoeersss still have women living in your homes or that you ever spend a moment counting their menstaral cycle dayss.s.s.. lzozlzllzlllz!!

have you heard about the fmeinist movement?

like now women have a right to their own bodies and they get their own fiat cash from ben bernanke so let them get their own apratments! lolzlzlzlz!!

and there ar elike dna tests now….

1) do not get married
2) do not date
3) pump n dump lzozllz

asking a women on a date is a sign of betaness. asking a women to get married is a sign of gammaness, unless she is a loyal virgn.

think about it lzolzlzlzllers!!

to propose to a owman is to give someone a diamond who so many others had when she was younger hotter tighter tighter hotter younger FOR FREE!!!!

you are about to pay $10,000 and risk millions more for something I had for free when it was in far better condition lzozlzl

the best cure of ed is yp.

the best cure for erectile dysfunction is young pussy lozzllzlzlzl!!!

why are all u guys worried about women?

to spend a second worrying about how many cocks are in her vagina when you’re not there is kinda silly and you can be thrown in prison for worrying about this under the fed’s and neocon’s laws. lozlzlz! then you’ll have to worry about coks in your own anus as opposed to cocks in her pussususysysysys lolazz

the federal resevre’s takeover of women as intruments of welath transfer has ruined them for men. the soulless beasts are of no use to us naymor lzolzlz!!

i mean i feel bad for all the 30 year olds with sore anuses who wasteed their best years with roissy’s cock in their poop chute instead of building a family story via fiath and loyalty to a man lzozlz. but hey–that’s what women choose, as they have no foresight nor moral imagination lzozlozlzlz

haven’t you guys figured it out yet?

women were transformed from the goddess archetype into the temptress archetype to serve ben bernanke & teh federal reserve.

fifty short years a go a woman would have had one partner–you.

now you are expected to shell out $$$$$$ after she has taken numerous massive cocks in all her orfices lzozlzlzllzl

some of us were yet raised in families wherein two parents got along and dad laid down the law like a man. today he (the real alpha) would be thrown in prison as ben bernanke (the beta males) and his feminist police state are backing women.

a fiat currency inverts debt and welath, as well as alphaness and betaness.

alpha manhood comes from character, honor, and integrity.

beta manhood, which charlotte allen tries to pass off as alpha manhood in the weekly standard, is more akin to tucker max who performs secretive tapings of anal sex with girls without the girl’s consent, and thus is held up by neocon charlotte allen as the paragon of alphahood lzolzlz

all you guys thinking you’re betas you’re not. you’re real men.

all teh alphas like mystery are frauds in tehir furry hats and makeup and eye liner lzozlzllzl! wake up and smell teh coffeee!!!!

the federal reserve wants access to your home and bank acocunt, and feminist studies teach women how to transfer your wealth to the fed lzozlz. and then tehy end up single and alone, as the fed pumps and dumps them.

sweety i am sorry ben bernake and the banking cartel pumped and dumped you and programmed you to act on your baser butthex instincts as opposed to your exalted soul lozlzlzl maybe ben benranke can wire you some fiat dollars to feed your cats lzoz

rnecoconservatism: why do jonah goldberg and charlotte allen and teh weekly standard hate on/ignore true heroes and classical marriage and men’s rights and shed love on Tucker Max who films butthex with girls without the girl’s consent? butthexx!! lozlzlzlzlzlz lzlz!! goldberg says we need more feminism & family killing! lzozl!

March 10, 2010 12:00 A.M.
Where Feminists Get It Right
Women civilize men. ’Nuff said.

The reason strikes me as fairly simple. Women civilize men. As a general rule, men will only be as civilized as female expectations and demands force them to be. “Liberate” men from those expectations, and Lord of the Flies logic kicks in. Liberate women from this barbarism, and male decency will soon follow.


hahahahah! what goldberg is saying that is if his wife didn’t lay down the line, he would be a beasty man alpha male, smacking women around, as that is in in true, deep, neocon nature. lozllz! he admits it! and then he projects it on teh entire world as neocons do to justify their pre-emptive, illegal wars! lzozll!

What jonah goldberg forgets to mention is that women committed over 50,000,000 abortions/murders (by their choice alone) since the fiat class’s Roe vs. Wade, as well as the fact that women originate over 2/3 of all divorces. This si why the fiat necons love women, as women serve their destructive quest for power.

This is because divorce and abortion are huge neocon profit centers, which also serve to dehumanize humanity, kill the family, grow the STATE, and make them all suck on the fiat teat that Jonah Goldberg et al dangle from The National Review. lozzllz!

How come Jonah never talks about this:

This one-page site has more links about the brutal tyranny that a man can be subjected to once he enters the legal contract of marriage, and even more so after he has children. What was once the bedrock of society, and a solemn tradition that benefited both men and women equally, has quietly mutated under the evil tinkering of feminists, divorce lawyers, and leftists, into a shockingly unequal arrangement, where the man is officially a second-class citizen who is subjected to a myriad of sadistic risks. As a result, the word ‘marriage’ should not even be used, given the totality of changes that have made the arrangement all but unrecognizable compared to its intended ideals. Suicide rates of men undergoing divorce run as high as 20%, and all of us know a man who either committed suicide, or admits seriously considering it during the dehumanization he faced even though he wanted to preserve the union. Needless to say, this is a violation of the US Constitution on many levels, and is incompatible with the values of any supposedly advanced democracy that prides itself on freedom and liberty. There is effectively a tyrannical leftist shadow state operating within US borders but entirely outside the US constitution, which can subject a man to horrors more worthy of North Korea than the US, even if he did not want out of the marriage, did not want to be separated from his children, and did not want to lose job. Any unsuspecting man can be sucked into this shadow state.

And this:


Before you take the plunge there are a few things about marriage that you need to be aware of. The institution of marriage as we know it is no more. It has undergone drastic changes in the last 50 years. What used to be a life long commitment, unbreakable barring the most severe circumstances, has been relegislated into something new entirely thanks to the lobbying efforts of radical feminists and the divorce industry. In trying to to make divorce “fail-safe” for homemaker / lower-earner spouses, the bad ones included, they have made marriage “unsafe” for virtually everyone else.

Marriage today is a temporary union of two individuals where the exit costs are highly asymmetrical. What does that mean? It means that upon the dissolution of the marriage, one spouse generally makes off like a bandit, while the other is pushed into a life of unending poverty, abridged civil rights, and being two paychecks away from arrears, contempt, and prison.


Why doesn’t this bother Jonah: “4. Decriminalization of Adultery – Adultery is no longer a crime. However the failure to pay alimony to an adulterous spouse is. Go figure.”

How come Jonah & his neocon elites never stick up for the common man, who, btw, is dying on foreign shores for their unconstitutional, undeclared foreign wars?

he fundamental thing that everyone is missing is that the neocons are exalting beta males such as tucker max as alpha males, while ignoring the true alphas they send to foreign shores to die in their wars.


please allow me to draw your attention to usmc Corporal Jason L. Dunham.


“On April 14, 2004, 3 days after Easter Sunday, Corporal Dunham was manning a checkpoint in Karabilah, Iraq, when an insurgent leapt from his car and began choking Corporal Dunham. A scuffle ensued as two Marines approached to help. Reportedly, the last words from Corporal Dunham were, “No, No. Watch his hand.” Suddenly, the insurgent dropped a grenade. Corporal Dunham took off his Kevlar helmet, dropped to the ground, and covered the explosive as best he could.

The blast seriously wounded all 3 Marines. Eight days later, Corporal Jason L. Dunham died at Bethesda Naval Hospital from wounds he received in the incident. He was 22. ”

now the funny thing is that to the neocons the greater hero is Tucker Max, even though true heroes such as jason et al. are dying in the neocons’ war.

Now our foxy Ms. Allen could have used the precious space in the Weekly Standard to give a shout out to a true American hero–Corporal Jason L. Dunham.

But instead, she regurgitates tucker’s lies and corporate PR, as douchebaggery makes aging neocon’s ginas tingle, while true american heroism leaves them dry:

“Tucker Max, 33, six feet tall, extrovertedly good-looking, and usually photographed latched to a girl, a bottle of booze, or a cheeseburger, is an honors graduate (in three years) of the University of Chicago. He has a law degree from Duke University, whose admissions committee was so impressed with his academic record that it awarded him an academic scholarship. . . Max is famous as a blogger (tuckermax.com), and his website is replete with stories like the ones above, all involving graphically rendered bedroom exploits (if your definition of bedroom includes vans, offices, and the great outdoors), massive quantities of alcohol, and copious vomiting. He is the author of several books, including The Definitive Book of Pickup Lines (2001, out of print but selling for close to $200 on Amazon), the 2006 blockbuster I Hope They Serve Beer in Hell, which spent more than 100 weeks on the New York Times bestseller list, and the forthcoming Assholes Finish First. Beer in Hell, a dramatization of some of his website yarns, became an indie movie hit in college towns last fall. ”

Tucker lies about his height & success & films buttsex without the woman’s consent, and thus the weekly standard exalts him, while rejecting and ignoring all those true heroes jumping on grenades in their war.




Bring Back Prima Noctes! Braveheart: “Grant them prima noctes. First night, when any common girl inhabiting their lands is married, our nobles shall have sexual rights to her on the night of her wedding.” lolzlz!

“Longshanks: Nobles. Nobles are the key to the door of Scotland. Grant our nobles lands in the north. Give their nobles estates here in England, and make them too greedy to oppose us.
Advisor: But sire, our nobles will be reluctant to uproot. New lands mean new taxes, and they are already taxed for the war in France.
Longshanks: Are they? Are they? The trouble with Scotland is that it’s full of Scots. Perhaps the time has come to reinstitute an old custom. Grant them prima noctes. First night, when any common girl inhabiting their lands is married, our nobles shall have sexual rights to her on the night of her wedding. If we can’t get them out, we breed them out. That should fetch just the kind of lords we want to Scotland, taxes or no taxes.
Advisor: A most excellent idea, sire.
Longshanks: Is it? “

–From Braveheart

I wish they would bring Prima Noctes back!!

Imagine just one other man having rights to your wife, for one night, before you got her.

That would rock!!

Today the master fiat class gives the first rights of your wife to an endless array of douchetards, starting in elementary school, commanding her to see lying, peacocking, manipulative, girly beta males as alphas, while seeing manly alphas as betas; as her mother exiled her true father long ago, under command of the fiat masters.

From an early age they teach her that her ginatingles rule the world, not Jesus, nor Thor, nor Zeus, nor Moses.  When she gets knocked up, they reward her with fiat dollars which Ben Benanke hand delivers in his helicopter.

Today, when she kisses those kids and sends them off to school, she leaves traces of dozens of other men on their cheeks.

Make no mistake–she is working for the Fed, and if you question any of this she will take your children away and the feminist police will search your home to determine how many assets of yours she will get.  For again, all the Fed can do is create debt, and to convert this debt into physical wealth, they need men, like you, to work and labor for it. lozlzlzl!

You know you tasted it when you kissed her a couple times on those early dates–that salty prima nocta form those who violated her orfices a few minutes before.  And now she pwns u, the kids, and the home!  And you have to pay 4 ur own cuckolding!!

lzlzozozozo THEY 1. deconstruct the great books on univeristy campuses 2. tell men they need to man up 3. dumb down the entire schools system 4. tell men they need to man up 5. assrape men in divorce court 6. tell men they need to man up 7. send men to die on foreign shores in foreign neoocn wars 8. tell men they need to man up! lzolzolzolzoz


yes all the wall streeteetetet nitwit proetestors

are forgetting to


the right people

the neoconc warmonhgering, debt-creating, honor-hating federal reserver private bankers who create moneyz
out of thin air by placing everyone in debt
privatievze protssics and socialize risk
feminism and war (as feminism is war)
who fund
asscocking in spirit and in literal cockckass in assess zlzozolz
who finance
tucker max rhyme sitwh goldman sax secretive tapers of butthex (with your future wife who they need to desoul to make her loyal to the fita doallr and not god man family) to get the world used to being butthexed as once you are butthexed by the neoocn cockas you are more servile obedienet will die in tehir wars
who fund
the phahameecuatical companies who drug up all our boys
who funed fund the fmeinsit movement
to deconstruct the great books and classics on all our campuses
hollow them out and get rid of homer and dante and shakespeare an dthe bible
leave them with noting but femlit classes on entitlement and welath transfer lzozlzl

the federal resvere private banksters

implementing the ten planks of ths e communist manifesto

who created
the welath transferirng dot com bubble
the welath transferirng dot com bubble real estate bubble marriage bubble college studnet loan bubble funding professors who agree with the fiat dolalrz and degreess until the fiat degreees only funcion is to put the studnet in debt while dumbing them down teahcing them to obery horrid ugly evil dsoulles harpy womenz zlzozl
the welath transferirng dot com bubble

detsorying the family


how the fatassed in the beltway neocon jonah goldber william benenetes operate lzozllzlzlzlzlzozo:

1. deconstruct the great books on univeristy campuses
2. tell men they need to man up
3. dumb down the entire schools system
4. tell men they need to man up
5. assrape men in divorce court
6. tell men they need to man up
7. send men to die on foreign shores in foreign neoocn wars
8. tell men they need to man up
9. drug boys with ritalin/adderoll for being boys
10. tell men they need to man up
11. encourage woem to giver thie aholes and ginaholes early and often to douchebags
12. tell men they need to man up
13. destroy the classical, heroic character in their neocon movies, replacing them with asscocking gay cowboys
14. tell men they need to man up
15. print money from thin air and inflate and dlate bubbes to seize a man’s home and property
16. tell men they need to man up
17. enocurage women to become fat, whiney bitches
18. tell men they need to man up
19. publish, promote, fund, and finance asscokers licke tucker max who film secrtive tap9ng of assockinhg session without the girl’s consent, tucker ma rhymes with goldam sax, repeating tucker’s lies that he is six fet tall inthe neocon weekly standadth .
20. tell men they need to man up
21. transofrm the church from an instititution where a man coul once go to meet a virginal, exalted wife, into a front for the divorce industry, where single mothers with three children from three asscockers go to rope in a betabmale to pay for the assocker’s spawn
22. tell men they need to man up
23. castigate, attack, and impugn men for acting like men
24. tell men they need to man up
25. transform the noble, exalted university into a nursery, ruled by neocon women exalting asscockers, asscokcing, and good grammar, exiling and deconstructing the great book and men, and rewading the servile future nannies of teh nanny state with fiat dollars delivered fresh from ben beranke’s helicopter
26. tell men they need to man up
27. remove all men from the publishing industry, so that priscialla painton of simon and schuster sodom and scheister can publish tucker max rhymes iwth godlman sax’s stories on how he asscoked a girl (somone’s future wife who will asscock her future huspband in divorce coutrt as revenge for having been assocked by a neocns) and taped it secrtly without her conthent lzozozlzoo. remove all men form the publishing industry and repalce deep, prodoufn real great books for men with twilight vampire asscocking female rape fanasty rape fanatsatsy “roamance” novels
28. tell men they need to man up
29. conceive of a hundred government programs to criminalzize men and force them o hand over their assetts to women
30. tell men they need to man up
31. financially incentivizee womem to file for divorce, promising them that their former husdband will have to pay for all their futrue assocking sessions, and that they get the kids/house/car/assetts
32. tell men they need to ma up
33. fill the law schools with fatm, embittered, burned-out, nasty (in looks an spirit) post-asscoked lawyeresses, an replace Moses’ and Zeus’s law with bernake’s banker laws whichexlats theft via the inflation tax
34. tell men they need to man up.


what aalalz am i mizssing here:???

feel free to addodoon ti oit! lzozlzl



Those Who Are Responsible

Been awhile since I read a Citizen Roissy Heartiste comment threadand saw GBFM make another Adderall-inspired rant worthy of contemplation.Many people skip right over his commentary as soon as they see his trademark lozlzolzolzol.It can be hard to read his disjointed, scatological and downright bizarre syntax, but the overall points he makes and observations of our Brave New World Order certainly have merit.So, to provide a public service to this corner of teh interwebz, I offer a translation of his latest work. It’s a masterpiece!


Yes, all the wall street nitwit protestors are forgetting to protest the right people.

Who are these forgotten malefactors of our Brave New World Order?

They are the Neo-cons; those warmongering, debt-creating, honor-hating, federal reserve-owning, private bankers who create fiat currency out of thin-air by placing everyone in debt; who privatize profits and socialize risk.

Those who fund feminism and war (as feminism is war).

Those who fund moral degeneracy of the spirit and the permissive acceptance, celebration and normalization of homosexuality.

Those who finance the mass media popularization of promiscuity and the reduction of women to nothing more than sex objects and “empowered” career feminists dedicated to the pursuit of career success as Human Resources in Corporate America instead of preparing for marriage and family formation.

Those who fostered this society to create confused, dysfunctional individuals to make them servile and controllable through mass media and public school indoctrination.

Those who fund the pharmaceutical companies who profit off of treating young boys like their natural energy, curiosity and rambunctiousness as a disease that needs to be drugged into conformity.

Those who funded feminism and effected the long march through Western Civilization by disparaging and marginalizing the great works of Classic Western literature — like Homer, Dante, Shakespeare and the Bible — and replace them with Women’s Studies curriculum and liberal progressive doctrine promoting cultural Marxism to instill a mentality of entitlement to support class warfare and wealth redistribution ideals as the new morality.

Who are these people? The Federal Reserve private banksters who implemented the ten planks of the communist manifesto; who created all of the wealth transferring bubbles: the dot-com bubble, the real estate bubble, the marriage bubble, and the college student loan bubble.

By funding higher education, they ensure that the professors promote a curriculum that support Central Banking’s role in society, supporting their fiat dollar monetary policy, and the creation of meaningless, overpriced degrees that dumb down the students and trap them in debt in exchange for credentialis not worth the price of the parchment they’re printed on.

And it all goes back to the basic goals of these elite who promoted cultural Marxism to destroy the family to remake society for their benefit.

Thanks to these bastards, we are all screwed.

While the openly liberal, left-wing useful idiots play their role in advancing this agenda, the right wing media pundits and talking heads play there role as well. Here’s how they contribute to this agenda:

*By making the following section of his comment a list, I think the meaning is very easy to discern, so I only offer minor grammatical editing here:

1. deconstruct the great books on university campuses
2. tell men they need to man up
3. dumb down the entire schools system
4. tell men they need to man up
5. ass-rape men in divorce court
6. tell men they need to man up
7. send men to die on foreign shores in foreign neo-con wars
8. tell men they need to man up
9. drug boys with ritalin/adderoll for being boys
10. tell men they need to man up
11. encourage women to give their a-holes and ‘gina-holes early and often to douchebags
12. tell men they need to man up
13. destroy the classical, heroic character in their neo-con movies, replacing them with ass-cocking gay cowboys
14. tell men they need to man up
15. print money from thin air and inflate and deflate bubbles to seize a man’s home and property
16. tell men they need to man up
17. encourage women to become fat, whiny bitches
18. tell men they need to man up
19. publish, promote, fund, and finance ass-cockers like tucker max who film secretive taping of ass-cocking sessions without the girl’s consent (tucker max rhymes with goldman sachs), repeating tucker’s lies that he is six feet tall in the neo-con mag, the weekly standard.
20. tell men they need to man up
21. transform the church from an institution where a man could once go to meet a virginal, exalted wife, into a front for the divorce industry, where single mothers with three children from three ass-cockers go to rope in a beta male to pay for the ass-cocker’s spawn
22. tell men they need to man up
23. castigate, attack, and impugn men for acting like men
24. tell men they need to man up
25. transform the noble, exalted university into a nursery, ruled by neo-con women exalting ass-cockers, asscocking, and good grammar, exiling and deconstructing the great books and men, and rewarding the servile future nannies of the nanny state with fiat dollars delivered fresh from ben beranke’s helicopter
26. tell men they need to man up
27. remove all men from the publishing industry, so that priscialla painton of simon and schuster sodom and scheister can publish tucker max rhymes iwth godlman sax’s stories on how he asscoked a girl (somone’s future wife who will asscock her future huspband in divorce coutrt as revenge for having been assocked by a neocon) and taped it secretly without her consent. Remove all men from the publishing industry and replace deep, profound, real great books for men, with twilight vampire asscocking female rape fanasty “romance” novels.
28. tell men they need to man up
29. conceive of a hundred government programs to criminalize men and force them to hand over their assets to women
30. tell men they need to man up
31. financially incentivize womem to file for divorce, promising them that their former husdband will have to pay for all their future assocking sessions, and that they get the kids/house/car/assets
32. tell men they need to ma up
33. fill the law schools with fat, embittered, burned-out, nasty (in looks and spirit) post-asscoked lawyeresses, and replace Moses’ and Zeus’s law with Bernake’s Banker laws which exlats theft via the inflation tax
34. tell men they need to man up.


what aalalz am i mizssing here:???

35. Tell men they need to man up?

Adderall is a helluva drug.

how da university works: feminism = debt & debauchery & divorce & Desecration machine/army lzozlzlzlzlzlgh weo


univeristies are at the tip (tit lzozlzlzoz) of our debt empire

over the past thirty years or so univeristies desouled women in prima noctae assocking sessins (some of tehm secretly taped iwthout thei girls conthent as the neocons like it best) and they sent the army forth to 1) transfer assetts form menz, 2) destory the family, 3) murder 50,000,000 unborn innocent souls, 4) hype and sell sub prime loans while wearing short skirts lzozlzlzlzllzlzlz 5) lure men into marriage iwth their coconpirators the ministers who front the legal system that does what no pimp would wever do–charge men for past use of a pussy lzolsoslslslslslslslslsls

the fembot army;s main corporate state job is to create debt debauchery destiutution debt divorce deconstruction and devastation lzozlzlzlz

and they have succeeded!! lzozlzlzlzlzlzl

today our debt deficit will be greater than the gnp!!!!1

the feminsimt movement cooinnded with the largest greatest increase of debt ever known to namankinds lzozlzlzlzl this is because womenz who stamp their little feet and bitch and complain and tranfer and destory welath and say “me me m em e more material welath for me me me me for my gina!!!! it’s for the children (even though women aborted/killed/vacuumed 50,000,000 fetuss by their choice alone) lzozlzlz it takes a village–fund my village where we get to bang alphas and the betas pay for it whether we cuckold them in tehir homes or via the welfare state zlozlzozlzzlzl” and they bitch and complain and talk about handbags and butthex and twilight vampires and enocurage girls to long for and lust after undead bloodsucking vampire twilight monsters and butthexing douchebags and otehr things which make their bginas tingle repalced menz at univeristies menz who built invent iengineer buuikld invent reason truth write great books read great bookz think lzozlzl eb=engineer lzozlzlzozlzl replaced exaltation eand greatness with bdebt debuachery destitution lzozlz

short beta men rose fast in teh unievristy as they were handed fiat bernanke cash fronm helicopter ben and they used it to surrpound themselves with syocphantic harems of womenze as all teh betas love honor worship tucker max their ultimate master because he rhymes with goldman sax and also he butthexes girls and films it woithout teh girlths ocnthent and the weekly stanadrd neocns repeat his lies lzozlzlzlzzl that he is six foot tall zlozzlzllzlzlzlzl honoring their #1 butthexual hero lzozlzlzl

so anyeways teh fiat masters trianed owmen in the arts of divorce debuachery deseefxation destruction lozlzolzlzlz and abortion and debt creation, and as womenze rose to power on teh ffront lines of the epreemptive wars against teh unborn they murdered 50,000,000 since rose vs. wade they deconstructed and debuached tehc ulture on campuses as when yhou put womenze in charge it soons becomes all butthex all the time as priscilia paintion woemnze editor in chief of simon and schuster is publishing tucker max’s next book zlzolslssslslsoslsoslzozlzlzlzlz c hecks che-=checks it out peoples are saying and speaking out about the way womenze are debucahing defiling and butthexing the culture lozlzlzlzlzl:


Why are Female Executives Publishing Tucker Max?

Saw this floating around. good question!


Ms. Priscilla Painton

Simon & Schuster Editor in Chief

RE: ASSHOLES FINISH FIRST, Secretive Tapings of Anal Sex without The Girl’s Consent, Corporate Douchebaggery, and the Epic Failure of I Hope They Serve Beer in Hell

Despite the fact that teenagers nationwide are going to hear gem pick-up lines like “get away from me or I’m going to carve another fuck hole in your torso”, what truly crowns this film as an epic fail is its apologetic attempt to masquerade gratuity as an Apatovian bromance. –http://www.thelmagazine.com/newyork/we-hope-you-can-still-get-alcohol-poisoning-in-hell/Content?oid=1291260

“Little Italy is fighting back against Tucker Max ‘s controversial ad campaign . Yeah, that poster on the right says, “Blind Girls Never See You Coming.” Va fan culo, indeed.” –http://gothamist.com/2009/09/21/tucker_max.php

Dear Ms. Painton,

I and my colleagues in the ART, FILM & LITERATURE GUILD have a couple questions regarding the direction you are taking Simon and Schuster in. Why are you guys/gals hating on art, literature, culture and America? It was recently brought to our attention that you are intent on publishing Tucker Max’s ASSHOLES FINISH FIRST, and that your company actually gave him a $300,000 advance for his fart art. As the editor in chief of Simon and Schuster, owned the CBS corporation, do you truly believe Assholes Finish First? It is oft said that girls like “bad boys.” Does Tucker’s fart art douchebag wit titillate and excite you? Is that why you are publishing and profiting from it? Did you laugh during Tucker’s recent film flop when what’s-his-name stated that overweight women aren’t real people? Do you smile smugly when your billion-dollar corporation profits from douchebaggery?

http://gawker.com/5363233/tucker-maxs-campaign-of-hate-against-chicagos-transit-system “The ads were poetic ditties of white text on a black background . Like: “Blind girls never see you coming” and “Strippers Will Not Tolerate Disrespect (Just Kidding).””

“Over at the Washington, D.C., premiere, Max’s video minion ridicules both Vietnamese and African-American women, the former for being employed as a pedicurist, and the latter for having a name he finds funny.”


Do you enjoy profiting from making fun of Asians and overweight women?http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1220628/board/thread/148314040



Does this make you laugh Ms. Painton? It is not too late to choose the right direction for Simon and Schuster and CBS and walk away from publishing Assholes Finish First . At most it will bring in a few pennies, which will lead everyone to conclude that you and CBS aren’t in it for the money, but just the debauchery and destruction of the culture. As Tucker Max pointed out, the feminist movement empowered women and gave them the right to choose the art they affiliated with and promote. So now, with all the power in your hands, what will you chose on behalf of women all over the world? Please do us proud and choose the right thing.

“The ad campaign for the new flick “I Hope They Serve Beer in Hell” includes slogans like “Deaf Girls Can’t Hear You Coming” and “Strippers Will Not Tolerate Disrespect (Just Kidding!).””


Why is corporate America, under your direction Ms. Painton, forcing epic “Richard Kelly” fail fart art and film on the common public? Do you also find secretive tapings of anal sex without the girl’s consent to be entertaining and titillating art?


Let’s talk for a sec about something Tucker glamorizes and pretends is funny in his ‘book’: filming a naked women in his bedroom without her consent. I don’t think it’s a coincidence that while he’s doing this he is coaxing the girl to have anal sex with him, an exploitative act that a guy like him probably especially enjoys.


– http://www.washingtoncitypaper.com/blogs/sexist/2009/09/11/the-rapiest-quotes-from-i-hope-they-serve-beer-in-hell/

“OK, we can try anal sex , but I want it to be special and romantic. …. process: I was going to fuck her in the butt and film it without her consent ,” —http://www.tuckermax.com/archives/entries/date/tucker_tries_buttsex_hilarity_does_not_ensue.phtml

Do you and the CBS Corporation find this entertaining? As you know, sodomy is a sin in the Old Testament as is sex out of wedlock and fornication. What is your motivation in working with those who promote and profit from secretive tapings of anal sex?

Do you find such “literature” and “art” to be representative of Simon and Schuster and CBS?

“In one of his most notorious pieces, he convinces a girl to have anal sex and tapes it without her consent.” — http://www.salon.com/mwt/broadsheet/feature/2009/09/08/tucker_max/

Despite the fact that teenagers nationwide are going to hear gem pick-up lines like “get away from me or I’m going to carve another fuck hole in your torso”, what truly crowns this film as an epic fail is its apologetic attempt to masquerade gratuity as an Apatovian bromance. –http://www.thelmagazine.com/newyork/we-hope-you-can-still-get-alcohol-poisoning-in-hell/Content?oid=1291260

Ms. Painton–do you find that entertaining? Is it good literature? Do you consider demeaning stories about having sex with midgets good literature? Do you consider it good business to make fun of Asians, overweight women, and minorities so as to bolster your bottom line?

What is driving you to publish Assholes Finish First ? What are your motivations? Money? America does not want Tucker Max, as demonstrated this past weekend at the boxoffice. Do you find these signs to be entertaining/a good CBS investment?


Is Tucker Max’s fan base the group that Simon & Schuster is seeking to serve under your leadership?


It seems that America believes otherwise as Richard Kelly and Tucker Max’s I Hope They Serve Beer in Hell has proven to be a colossal artistic and financial failure.

“Not faring so well, however, was the Tucker Max adaptation I Hope They Serve Beer in Hell, which took in $369,000 from 120 theaters with a well-below-average $3,075 per-screen average.” —http://www.movieweb.com/news/NEdXykfeBDXwhe

So Priscilla, please tell us about your douchetastic love affair with Tucker Max and his fart art. Does it really titillate you as a woman and feminist? Say it isn’t so! Is this good Simon and Schuster/CBS branding? Why did your massive billion-dollar corporation reward Tucker with a $300,000 advance?

“Little Italy is fighting back against Tucker Max ‘s controversial ad campaign . Yeah, that poster on the right says, “Blind Girls Never See You Coming.” Va fan culo, indeed.” –http://gothamist.com/2009/09/21/tucker_max.php

Does CBS and Simon & Schuster approve of registering fake email accounts to promote stories regarding secretive tapings of anal sex without the girl’s consent?

” The lack of traditional plugs forced Max to promote his web site and book via the internet. He would create fake e-mail accounts and then bombard entertainment sites and news aggregators with links to his material.” — http://www.theregister.co.uk/2007/03/11/tucker_max_sxsw/

For this, your billion-dollar corporation rewarded Tucker with a $300,000 advance.

“Max may have to concentrate on his agent style business moving forward because he’s running out of material. He’s received a $300,000 advance for a second version of his drunken, sexual exploits – a tome that will contain the stories not ripe enough for the first cut.” —http://www.theregister.co.uk/2007/03/11/tucker_max_sxsw/

Are you proud of Simon & Schuster and your corporation? Funding and encouraging hype, failure, douchebaggery, debauchery, lies, secretive tapings of anal sex without the girl’s consent, and making fun of Asians, overweight women, and minorities. Is that what attracts you to Tucker Max, or is it the epic artistic and financial failure of his film?


“I Hope They Serve Beer in Hell fails in its attempts at raunchy humor, and Tucker Max comes across so unlikable and outrageous that the film’s inevitable story arc feels forced.”

It is not too late to choose the right direction for Simon and Schuster and walk away from publishing Assholes Finish First .




Will Priscilla Painton at Simon & Shuster still Publish *beep* Finish First?

the title makes no sense. *beep* might finish first in some silly women’s eyes, but they epic fail in reality, as demonstrated by tucker’s epic fart art film fail, which priscilla painton is pretendning not to notice.

What’s up with women these days?

It seems the more they run things, the more they try to force douchebag fart art on everyone:

Former ‘Time’ Exec. Relieves Venerable Editor Mayhew At Simon & Schuster


Anywho, does Priscilla Painton at Simon & Shuster have a personal vendetta against asians, minorities, overweight women, and little people?

Does she think tucker’s ads are cute and humorous?


Does she get off on this?

“The ad campaign for the new flick “I Hope They Serve Beer in Hell” includes slogans like “Deaf Girls Can’t Hear You Coming” and “Strippers Will Not Tolerate Disrespect (Just Kidding!).”

Is that supposed to be funny?” –http://www.nbcchicago.com/news/local-beat/New-Movie-Ads-Take-Offensive-to-the-Max-59695522.html


Is this the new face and culture of simon and schuster?


Does Priscilla Painton at Simon and Schuster giggle at secretive tapings of anal sex without the girl’s consent and also this:




“11:17: The girl starts saying something about what a horrible person I am. I stare at her, but I am not listening. I am preparing myself. I am B-Rabbit. This is the final battle rap. I will win the hostile crowd:

[I interrupt the fat girl] “Ward, I think you’re being a little hard on the Beaver, [as I point to each in turn] so is Eddie Haskell, Wally, and Miss Cleaver.”

[To the fat guy with greasy hair in the camo vest] “Look out everyone! It’s the Pillsbury Commando! Hey Chunk, when was the last time you washed your hair? Does it give you more hit points to have that grease helmet? I hate to break the news, but +5 defense only counts in Dungeons and Dragons.”

[To the ugly Asian girl] “Why you no rike me? You want me frip over? You no piss me off! ME FIND YOU IN POCKING ROT!! YOU NO TAKE MING ARIVE!!”

[To the small frail dork--I notice he has a lazy eye] “Dude–Look at me when I’m talking to you–BOTH EYES AT ONCE. Are you really this ugly or are you just playing? EVERYONE, BE CAREFUL, THIS GUY LURKS UNDER THE STAIRS AND TRIES TO LICK YOUR SHOES WHEN YOU PASS BY!”

[To the original fatty, pause for effect] “Why do you do this to yourself? WHY DO YOU DO THIS TO YOURSELF? Look, I’m gonna give you some advice-leave the party, take the geek squad with you, go to Denny’s, order about 10 Grand Slam Breakfasts, and eat your pain away. Won’t be the first time will it?”

11:19: I am finished. The kitchen is quiet, except for Eddie and Rich laughing. The four freaks are completely speechless. Everyone is staring at me. I blurt out, “WHAT? I’m pretty sure it’s what Jesus would’ve done.” Eddie and Rich promptly remove me from the kitchen.”

Is Priscilla Painton publishing tucker’s next book for the love of literature, art, or money?

‘Cause it seems that those who work with tucker generally hate and lose literature, art, and money.



“What ensues, according the film’s trailer, is alcohol-fueled misogynistic mayhem. Max has sex with several women, including, to his smug satisfaction, a dwarf.”

See? That is the clever banker ruse.

Have women such as Priscilla fund and promote it, while others protest it, enriching the bankers as marriage is destroyed and the state is grown.


“A Site about the Divorce Regime, Family Court Corruption,
and Government’s War on Fathers”

“The divorce regime is the most totalitarian institution ever to arise in the United States. Its operatives in the family courts and the social service agencies recognize no private sphere of life. “The power of family court judges is almost unlimited,” according to Judge Robert Page of the New Jersey family court. “Social workers are perceived to have nearly unlimited power,” a San Diego Grand Jury concludes. “Absolute power corrupts absolutely. Total immunity [enjoyed by social workers] is absolute power.”

The divorce regime is responsible for much more than “ugly divorces,” “nasty custody battles,” and other clichés. It is the most serious perpetrator of human and constitutional rights violations in America today. Because it strikes the most basic institution of any civilization – the family – the divorce regime is a threat not only to social order but to civil freedom. It is also almost completely unopposed. No political party and no politicians question it. No journalists investigate it in any depth. A few attorneys have spoken out, but they are eventually suspended or disbarred. Some academics have written about it, but they soon stop. No human rights or civil liberties groups challenge it, and some positively support it. Very few “pro-family” lobbies question it. This is because the divorce regime operates through money, political power, and fear.” —http://www.stephenbaskerville.net/


Have you seen/read END THE FED by Ron Paul? “Everyone must read this book–Congressmen and college students, Democrats and Republicans–all Americans.”
–Vince Vaughn

When you think about it, Tucker Max was the Fed’s ultimate creation–a soulless, debased douchebag:

“My name is Tucker Max, and I am an *beep*

Think about it–Tucker’s motto @ http://tuckermax.com could be the Fed’s motto:
“I get excessively drunk via inflating the currency at inappropriate times, disregard social norms (funding feminism/debauchery & debasement of the family/currency/culture/tucker max(educated at the Fed’s University of Chicago’s School of Economics (school of freakanomics) and Duke scholarship)), indulge every whim/war, ignore the consequences of my actions/bubbles/bailouts, fund idiots and posers and tucker-max-like CEOs, sleep with more women than is safe or reasonable/luring them with fiat currency & a fiat-funded bus, and just generally act like a raging darko/douchebag/dickhead.”

What do you think of Ron Paul’s new book–End the Fed?

Review for End The Fed
“Rarely has a single book not only challenged, but decisively changed my mind. “
–Arlo Guthrie

“Everyone must read this book–Congressmen and college students, Democrats and Republicans–all Americans.”
–Vince Vaughn

Vince Vaughn is a far, far better actor/director/writer than Tucker Max, so it makes sense that Tucker and his jealous friends at the Fed detest Arlo Guthrie and Vince Vaughan as well as art, film, and literature.

The book has much better reviews and is far-higher ranked than Tucker’s douchey books/film/trailer–Five solid stars!

Why do you donnie darko douchos/cbs haterz hate on art, the Constitution, morality, goodness, sound money, peace, prosperity, love, the family, kindness, and Ron Paul so much?

And like the Fed, tucker privatizes all the profits of his private jet while sharing all the risk with his volunteer employees, who work for free.

“Feminism which espoused “women’s rights” actually has driven femininity underground, torn the sexes asunder, and stripped woman of recognition for being wives and mothers, roles essential to their own fulfillment, to men, and to children and society.” –http://www.savethemales.ca/

– http://www.amazon.com/Save-Males-Matter-Women-Should/dp/1400065798

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