Heartiste: “Where pretty lies perish.”
Dalrock: “Where pretty lies are resurrected and used as lube to get chrcuchcianz gamey game in da buzgzhzozlzozo.”
Note that while Dalorckakakz da Dicktator accuses Heartiste of being a “sinner,” Dalrock refrains from passing judgment on any of the women HEartiste is sleeping with. This appeals to his white-knight mangina frankfurtian flock, who, leading by their tiny cockakszk, lust after all the puzyzyzyzy dat Heartisteetz is scoring. Note how Dalrock passes no judgment on their lust, nor his won pride and attemtped theft of Game, but only on da great HEartsietsz for doing as Jesus did, and speaking the Truth that sets Men Free.
Dalrock follow’s da GBFM’s & Heartiste’s Manly Headship, Stealing da GBFM’s Wisdom Without Reference: Prepare for the Dalrockian Chruchian Police State, where the One and Only Way to Game and Christianity (Chruchianity), is through Dalrock’s Bunghozlzizolzi
Dalrockzas tiny cockas writes a post titled, “How Christians can take credit for Game.”
Then, at the bottom of the post, he warns folks against taking about GAme in the comments, or quoting HEartsietetzt or Moses or Jesus, as such conversations “derail the conversation.”
You can’t make this stuff up, folks. This is how much Dalrock hates his flock of frankfurtianszzzzlzoo, and how low he thinks of them.
He titles a post “How Christians can take credit for Game,” and then commands his flock to not discuss Game, as such conversations “derail the thread.” In other words, Dalrock’s “Game” means anything he wants it to mean, at any time–nothing more, and nothing less. HE can change the meaning any time he wants, depending on the tinzgzlzozoz or non tinzgzlzlzoz of his wife’s bunzgzgzhzozlzizolzzil. Dalrock the Humpty Dumpty chruchian tyrant:
“When I use a word,’ Humpty Dumpty (Dalrocka tiny cockas little dicktator) said in rather a scornful tone, ‘it means just what I choose it to mean — neither more nor less.’
’The question is,’ said Alice, ‘whether you can make words mean so many different things.’
’The question is,’ said Humpty Dumpty, ‘which is to be master — that’s all.”
So you can see Dalrofkckasz tiny Cockas’s unchristian, unmanly, deceptive, characterless quest for power and MAstery by any means necessary, which makes the bungzhzozlzizol of his frankfurtian flock tingle, as Dalrock’s favorite frankfartiananznz Boxer’s comments are let through, uncensored by Dalrocka tiny cocoaks little dicktator.
According to Dalrock, only his own words, and his own words alone, can keep the train on track, gliding along the rails Dalrock set up so as to ease Game into Jesus’s bunzghzozlzzizziuzlzozzllzoz.
Any attempts to keep Dalrocka’s “Game” out of JEsus’s bungzhozlzizol is seen as “derailing the thread.”
Dalrock could have penned a post, “How Christians can take credit for Jesus Christ,” or even “How Christians can take credit for the Law of Moses,” as Jesus stipulated that he came to “fulfill the law of Moses,” (despite what Dalrock’s frankfurtian flock teaches), but unfortunately, apparently neither Jesus nor Moses make his wive’s butt nor gina tingzzlzloozzoz.
One of the positive things is that Dalrock is finally coming around and actually now pondering that perhaps the teahcings of Moses and Jesus are higher than his “Game.” Unfortunately, he is doing it in a dishonest manner, trying to steal Game from Heartiste to present it to his frankfurtian flock of mother hens, schoolmarms, and pajamaboy churchians.
At the beginning of January, da GBFM wrote,
The Higher Form of Game: Exalting The Spirit of Genesis, Moses, and Jesus–The Great Books For Men–in Our Schools, Homes, Universities, Churches, and Culture
The Higher Form of Game: Exalting The Spirit of Genesis, Moses, and Jesus–The Great Books For Men–in Our Schools, Homes, Universities, Churches, and Culture
Yes, ’tis a sad state of affairs with modern American/Western women and the decline of the family–liberty’s foundational building block.
We would all like to change it, so we must ask. “How did this come to be?”
Why did women come to disregard Genesis, the Law of Moses, and the Divine Wisdom of Jesus Christ?
Follow the money, and one soon sees that the less time a woman devotes to her family, the more time she can devote to the corporation. The less time a woman spends cooking meals, the more time she can spend cooking the books in a sub-prime loan office.
‘Tis a short-term and destructive strategy–to encourage women to abort and pursue the material over the spiritual. But some do profit off of feminism–those who grow the State.
I hope that in 2014 Good Men realize that the higher form of game is returning Genesis, the Law of Moses, and the wisdom of Jesus not just to the choir, but to our courts, schools, universities, and churches, and then, perhaps, we may again begin to see it in our homes.
Best in 2014!
Following da GBFM’s Biblical HEadship, Dalrock stole the spirit da GBFM’s exalted post, without reference, here:
Your frame is essential, and in Headship Game your frame must be a biblical frame*. To attain this you must first study, pray, and be humbly prepared to bend your beliefs and opinions to Christianity, not the other way around. As a Christian husband you are called to wash your wife in the water of the word, and you must take this extremely seriously.
Note how Dalrock’s words ring hollow, as unlike the GBFM’s approach, Dalrock says nothing about exalting the Law of the Land. Maybe he’s just stupid, but Dalrock needs to realize that any man laying down Biblical Law in their home will be hauled into court and have their assets seized. By not telling men this Truth, Dalrock fails to set them free, instead emprisoning them to gaming a berankified wifez zlzolzozozozo.
Other posts which have forced Dalrock to back down from trying to slide his GAme into JEsus’s bungzhzozlzlzoz to please his frankfurtian pajamaboy churchian flock include:
Jesus Christ Exalted the Law of Moses, not Dalrock / Vox Gamey Game. More Gamey Churchians Threaten to Ban and Censor the Words of Da GBGM for Quoting Jesus Christ and Honoring THE LAW OF MOSES Over Gamey Churchian Butt and Gina Tingalalozozzoozzo
Churchians have no shame and deserve every divorce/broken marriage they get. Their failed gamey crusade shall soon be forgotten, while the Christ and Moses they castigated, ignored, belittled, censored, and impugned shall Rise Again and Serve the Rising Generation who honors the Law of Moses and our Lord Jesus Christ over gamey game and gina tiznzgzlzlozozozo.
“Those who live by the tingzlzozozozozl shall die by the tingzlzlzozozlzoz” -GBFM
I oft wonderd why Dalrock regularly deleted my comments, but then it all made sense when we witnessed him stealing the spirit and content of da GBFM’s words, trying to cover his underhanded, gamey actions. Perhaps he and Vox did not marry truly Christian women, and thus they need to be constantly gamed by tehir attentive betasz:
True Christian Women do Not Need to be Gamed: Dalrock & Vox’s Christianity is not the Christianity of Jesus Christ
A true Christian woman does not need to be gamed. A true Christian woman follows the Law of Moses which Jesus came not to abolish but to fulfill:
16 Unto the woman he said , I will greatly multiply thy sorrow and thy conception; in sorrow thou shalt bringforth children; and thy desire shall be to thy husband, and he shall rule over thee. -Genesis
Indeed women no longer follow God, Jesus, and Moses, but their butt and gina tinglez. And the hilarious thing is that rather than trying to resurrect the Christian Soul in the churches, schools, universities, and family court system and reform women, the “Christian men” such as Dalrock & Vox suggest that we all become slave to butt and gina tingelzozozizlzo and learn how to serve them first and foremost, over the teachings of Christ and Moses, as serving butt and gina tinzgzzlzlozolzoz over Christ and Moses is the heart and soul of game.
Dalrock & Vox’s “Christianity” is not the Christianity of Jesus Christ
A true Christian woman does not need to be gamed. A true Christian woman follows the Law of Moses which Jesus came not to abolish but to fulfill:
16 Unto the woman he said , I will greatly multiply thy sorrow and thy conception; in sorrow thou shalt bringforth children; and thy desire shall be to thy husband, and he shall rule over thee.
Posted this at Dalrock’s blog, who placed my comments in limbo, as the words of Christ in the Sermon on the Mount are considered to be “too disruptive” on a Christian blog. lzozlzozozlzo. & dat is why like d da heartsites as heartises never cesors da words of jesus christ as heartsites does not fear them zlzolzoozzlzoz for his soul is pure
Interesting that this post should be titled “losing the narrative.”
Prepare for the Dalrockian Chruchian Police State, where the One and Only Way to Game, is through Dalrock’s Bunghozlzizolzi
Dalrockzas tiny cockas writes a post titled, “How Christians can take credit for Game.”
Then, at the bottom of the post, he warns folks against taking about GAme in the comments, or quoting HEartsietetzt or Moses or Jesus, as such conversations “derail the conversation.”
According to Dalrock, only his own words, and his own words alone, can keep the train on track, gliding along the rails Dalrock set up so as to ease Game into Jesus’s bunzghzozlzzizziuzlzozzllzoz.
Any attempts to keep Dalrocka’s “Game” out of JEsus’s bungzhozlzizol is seen as “derailing the thread.”
Dalrock could have penned a post, “How Christians can take credit for Jesus Christ,” or even “How Christians can take credit for the Law of Moses,” as Jesus stipulated that he came to “fulfill the law of Moses,” (despite what Dalrock’s frankfurtian flock teaches), but unfortunately, apparently neither Jesus nor Moses make his wive’s butt nor gina tingzzlzloozzoz.
And thus Dalorckkas tiny cockas wirtes, “How Christians can take credit for Game.”
How can they do this?
Well, firstoff Dalrock states that Heartsistetststs is a sinner, and then completely ignores HEartsisteetststz’ numerous posts on game, while falsely stating that “nobody has yet penned a post definining game.”
Again, this ties into Dalrockas’s tiny cockas complete lack of manhood, character, honor, and nobility–his complete lack of Faith in Jesus and Moses, and his repreated failure to honor them in word and deed, even as he proudly displays the comments of Frankfartian, Marcuse-loving, family-hating, anti-Man Boxer.
Dalorckkas tiny cockas future posts will now include, “How Christians can take credit for THE GREAT BOOKS FOR MEN.”
Dalorckkas tiny cockas future posts will soon include, “How Christians can take credit for MOSES.”
At the bottom of the post, Dalorckas will remind his frankfurtain flock and write: MODERATOR COMMENT: PLEASE DO NOT DISCUSS MOSES (BUT ONLY MY DIVINE WORDS), AS SUCH CONVERSATIONS TEND TO DERAIL THE THREAD.
And finally, Dalorckkas tiny cockas future posts will be, “How Christians can take credit for JESUS CHRIST.”