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Dalrock & Vox Command That Thou Shalt Ignore The Great Books for Men, Ignore Moses, Ignore Your Manhood, Ignore Jesus, Ignore Homer, Ignore Your Exalted Manhood, and Learn to Peacock and Game (So Dalrock can get more instalanches) lzolzolzlzlzozozozoozoozzolozl


Dalrock & Vox Command That Thou Shalt Ignore The Great Books for Men, Ignore Moses, Ignore Your Manhood, Ignore Jesus, Ignore Homer, Ignore Your Exalted Manhood, and Learn to Peacock and Game (So Dalrock can get more instalanches) The Mark of Man, ever since the dawn of time, has been his Honor.  His Exalted Consciousness.  His noble, immortal soul and immortal spirit.  The Faith of His Fathers, and the Great Books for Men. Dalrock and Vox detest this exalted aspect of men, and thus they command you to live a life following not the higher ideals on towards liberty and freedom, but butt and gina tinzgzlzozozozozozozozo on towards debt, enslavement, and divorce.  They happily supervise frankfartian, marxist forums where the Great Books for Men are routinely castigated, impugned, whipped, and beaten down, replaced with superficial gimmickery and gamey, unmanly tingzlzozoozozozzlzoz designed to subvert the Law of Moses, and sold to their flock of fatherless fanboysz as “True religion.” Dalrock and Vox want you to believe that the Sermon on the Mount was really all about getting Semen in your Mount, after serving her butt and gina tinzgzzllzozolzolzozoz.  For this, they receive adulatory instalanches and vast praise. Presented with the magnificent Bible and Faith of our Fathers, all that Dalrock can see is butt and gina tinzgzlzlzozozozo, writing:

@GBFM Have you ever read and analyzed the Song of Solomon to learn the principles of Game that it demonstrates?
Note how Dalrock et al. never, never, never reference that Law of Moses which states “Thou shalt not commit adultery,” as they teach that Jesus came to abolish the Law of Moses, so as to sanctify their worshipping of the butt and gina tinzgzlzozozo. Dalrock, the covetor of instalanches and destroyer of Man, loves loves loves his loyal flock of frankfartain pillagers and destoryers of the Law of Moses and Jesus, as his favorite pet Boxer teaches that Freud and the sxual revolutionary Marcuse are the true Law that Jesus came to fulfill, and not the Law of Moses.

how the federal reserve system created the PUA community lzozlzlzloozlzllzll!! they & DALROCKAS & VOX DO NOT want the men to read mises or hayek or jefferson or the us constitution lzozlzlzlz they want to keep the men in the fiat masters’ cave — the fiat butthex matrix — “gaming” and fighting over the table scraps of all the desoulaed, haggaard, std-ridden, vicious, gold-digging, cold, defeminized, prozac-addled womenz the fiat masters buttthexed and deosuled in college during teh primae nocate ceremeonies, instead of manning up and fighting for their dvine irght to something far greater — an honorable, virtuous wife. lzozllzllzllzozzlz

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omg i cannot beleive how many betas have drank Dalrock’s Kool-Aid and now think that peacocking and wearring furry hats like mystery is being an alpha! lzozllzlz it’s almost as bad as neocons trying to herald and exalt secrteive tapers of sodomy as butthexual heroes while repeating the butthexers and secretive tapers of butthexer’s lies in their “conservative” magaiznes lzozlzozlzlzlzl. omg it makes me lzolzlzozzlozol so hard that my ribs hurt zlozlzlzl anyways teh federal resevre system not only creates money form thin air but that money is debt based and thus they can charge interest on it zlzozolzl and bankrupt and vampire suck an entiure oucntry of not only its property but its soul which is why neocon womenzs encourage young girls ot lust after undead vampire monsters in twilight who wear way too much makeup lzozlzozlzl and make the teen gina tingles lingles as teh federal reserve dicattes that all of entirety must be ruled by gina tingles and thus when a owmenz gina tingles in marriage she should act on it as the fed ahas funded and trained lawyers abd judgeds to seize her husbands promperty ieven if she is found fuciki9ng his best firend ojn tehir coffee table when he comes home agter a hard day;s work zlozlzlz the entire feminist moveement was created to expand teh police state into the home turning mwomenz against their husbands shidlerns god and the fmaily and the unborn as the neoocns trained put womenz on the front linez of their preemeptive war against the unborn in which women gallently and heroically murdered 50,000,000 unborn since roe vs. wade and were rewarded with lotsa butthex on demand from tgeh neocons favorite secrteive tapers of butthex for doing so lzozlzozlzozzlozzlozzlzozzlzozo. the neocns are good at math an dthey calcualted and determined it would be cheaper to train women to kill their kids and seize tehir husband;s property than it would be to train an army of jack booted thugs to dod so lzozlzozlzlzlzozoz and also the neoncs could have the womenz wear skirts and makeup and act like innocent little girls just killing their unborn chicldren for the greater good of humanity as it is chepar to hire pre-grown mexican labor wall stereet determined and claulated, tahn it is to take owmen out fo the fiat masters workforce to rais etheir own chidlren. so how does this relate to the PUA movement?>?!?!? i’m getting there so clam the fuck down!! many of youse have been rwsiased on ritalin with no dads to tell you to fucking work hard and fucking shut up and fucking pay attention, and thus you act like little ritalain addicts which is the way the fed wants tit mashing buttons in your menaingless videogames in your single mom’s basmemnt turning up the playsattion volume to drown out the sounds of your mom upstairs banging biker cock which teh fed funds anmd encourages to put it in her butt and which your real dad is forced to pay for and asubsidize after he cuaght her cheating with the pool boy lzozlzlzlzllz and never nmanning up and going forth and finidg your true ftahers and the reading the constitution for yourself nor homers odyssey in which telemanchus must also rid his mhome of teh false suitors and teh us constitution which states that only congeress shall eb able to coin money and that it must be gold or silver but not fiat butthexing paper lzozlzlzozlzlzlzlz. anywaz so the fed desouls womenz form an early age via numerous methods: 1) the slutting up of teen pop culture heroes lzozlzlzolzzlolzlzl brittany and now miley as disney is used to baiut and witch and sluttify children zlzozlzlzl 2) teh asscocking and anal sexing of girls with the assockcers and secrteive tapers of butthex who lie about tehir heiaght and are short, lying, douchbages being promoted as heores, while those bleeding to death in the neocns wars on foreign shores are ignored lzozlzlzlzzlzo 3) the constant barrage of ant-soul eductaion telling girls that their strong father who is trying to keep the short, lying docuhebag’s cock out of her ass and teh storng father who would beat the shit out of the assocker and short, lying secretive taper of butthex is really just oprressing her, and after ahwiel girls really ebgin to beleiev that teh fiat dollar is god and that ass cocking is tehir divine right and that any one who comes out agiants secrteiev tapings of asscockinsg is really just repressed. lzozlzlz 4) freud took everyying virtuius like love and committment and refusing temptations and labeled it a “repression” in the same way a fiat dollar takes everyoneg good like a hard day’s work and renders it worthless as the fiat master hire a police force to sezie the property ans assets while trianing women to lure men into marrigae and to “tame them” in jonah goldberg’s words and seize their asstts lzozlzlz. for the only problem with a fiat debt based dollar i=s that it is the opposite of welath lzozlzlz and thus the fiat masters devote tehir lives to rtrying to conbevert debt based fiat dollars into physical wealth and property which is why they come up with mba buzzwords and mba bubbles as the dot com bubble and real estate bubble and al l bubbles are the conscious mechanism via which fiat debt is covnerted into phsyical property as all teh risk is socilaized an dall teh profits privataized as worthless debt rtickles on down and phsycial proeprty and welath trickler on up form teh workwer creater artist and musician to the ifat matsers lzozlzozlzlzl and so the world is inverted as those who create are robbed, and those who bullshit are rewarded lzozlzlzozzlzlzl that is why leftists come out againats property rigts amnd anyone who advocates a fiat currency is aginst property rights lzozlzozzlzl as they want to be able to buy and seize your property by doing nothing but cxreatinge fiat debt zlzozlzl which is why they had to kill the family and debauch teh cultrue and currency lzozlzozlzl and kill teh heoric spirit and replace homer moses socrates aeneies with tcuekr max lzozllzlzl their butthexual secrteive tpaer of sodomy without teh girl’s conthen “siux foot tall” hero lzozlzlz which brings us to the PUA movementy as girls are deosuled and desouled and trained by the fed to seize a man’s assets and use their sex appeal not to serva a husband abnd fmaily but to transfer assets and weatlth form men to their pimp daddy ben beranke lzozlzlzlzlzl, by and by trhey lose their worth to men. i mean lzozllzzl we’re not all that stoooopid lzozlz. as a girl is deosuled in teh fiat fed noecon assocking secrteive tapings of butthex sessions, and converted into a soulless instrument of wealth transfer, her only value lies in the titllation that she provides, while the enertal chance for immortal love that our grandparenst knew and which fmeinsit professors label opression as the fed funds them to do, is lost forever lzozlzlzlzlzl!! like a wise ghirl who wnats to live the glory honorable story of bride wife mother must strt as a vergin and then forver sevre and be loyal to one man lozzllzlzl lzozlzlzllles! go all the femtards who are stoo stoopid and take lotsa cocka in all tehir orifices na dthen go “where idd lal the good men go?” when they hit 40 lzozlzlz google that roissy cartoone “where did all teh good men go? ms paint roissy cartoon” lzozlzlzl http://roissy.files.wordpress.com/2010/05/2.jpg?w=500&h=375 http://roissy.wordpress.com/2010/05/11/ms-paint-windows-to-the-soul/ well anywayz as behind every woman now stands a banker pimp going “BE SURE TO GET AS MUCHMONEY OUT OF TEH BETAS AS POSSIBLE AND IN RETURN WE PROMISTE YOU SECRETIVETAPINGS FROM ASSOCKING ALPHAS FILMED WITHOUT YOUR CONTHENT,” it only makes sense that a man’s goal by and by beocmes to get a smuch sex as possible without paying for it lzozlzlzozlzlz. and that’s where game comes in. becayuse teh federal reserve funded feminisma nd cretaed feminisms to transfer welath from men to the fed, break up teh family, but teh kids in corprate state daycare, and expand teh powers of teh stae into teh home, repalcing teh classical rugged fateh with fiat cash, the fed created the PUA game by changing the game and stakcing it against men lzozlzlzlzllz now the fed also supports the PUA game as men wearing furry hats and spenidng tehir days working wmeiangless jobs while buying books on game purporting to help them get tehir cocks wet onece every two years is exactly what the fed wants. they DO NO wan t the men to read mises or hayek or jefferson or the us constitution lzozlzlzlz they want to keep the men in the fiat masters’ cave — the fiat butthex matrix — “gaming” and fighting over the table scraps of all the desoulaed, haggaard, std-ridden, vicious, gold-digging, cold, defeminized, prozac-addled womenz the fiat masters buttthexed and deosuled in college during teh primae nocate ceremeonies, instead of manning up and fighting for their dvine irght to something far greater — an honorable, virtuous wife. lzozllzllzllzozzlzl and so you get what we have here, which is the wya he wants it, well he gets it. some men you just can’t reach. lzozlzlzlzlzlzzlzl

These are the GReat Books for MEn with Dalrockz has replaced with game, butt, and gina tinzgzlzlzlzolzoozozozo:

All men should begin immediately by reading the following books which the central bankers and their fellow churchians hate, fear, and detest:

1. Homer’s Iliad
2. Homer’s Odyssey
3. Exodus & Ecclesiastes & The Psalms
4. Virgil’s Aeneid
5. Socrates’ Apology
6. The Book of Matthew & Jefferson’s Bible
7. Plato’s Repulic
8. Seneca’s Letters from a Stoic
9. Aristotle’s Poetics
10. Dante’s Inferno
11. The Declaration of Independence
12. The Constitution
13. John Milton’s Paradise Lost
14. Shakespeare’s Hamlet
15. Newton’s Principia
16. Adam Smith’s Wealth of Nations and Theory of Moral Sentiments
17. Henry David Thoreau’s Walden
18. Mark Twain’s Huckleberry Finn (& all of his work)
19. Shakespeare’s Hamlet
20. Ludwig von Mises’ A Theory of Money and Credit
21. F.A. Hayek’s The Road to Serfdom
22. Herman Melville’s Moby Dick
23. Einstein’s The Meaning of Relativity
24. Joseph Campbell’s The Hero With a Thousand Faces and The Power of Myth
25. Ron Paul’s Revolution & End the Fed

Please note that neither Dr. Helen Smith nor Michelle Malkin ever, ever, ever quote nor acknowledge THE GREAT BOOKS FOR MEN.  Next time you see them, ask them why they never salute our EXALTED FATHERS and our NOBLE HERITAGE and the FOUNDATION OF NATURAL RIGHTS, THE FAMILY, FATHERHOOD, and NATURAL LAW.

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