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The Center and Circumference of Christian Civilization is Virgin Wives Who Serve and Honor God Over Dalrocka’sz Butt and Gina TIngzzlzlzlzlzoozzozozo & A brief history of Christian Civilization:


The Center and Circumference of Christian Civilization is Virgin Wives Who Serve and Honor God Over Dalrocka’sz Butt and Gina TIngzzlzlzlzlzoozzozozo & A brief history of Christian Civilization:

The Center and Circumference of Christian Civilization is Virgin Wives Who Serve and Honor God Over Butt and Gina TIngzzlzlzlzlzoozzozozo

A brief history of Christian Civilization:

EXODUS 20: And God spake all these words to Moses, saying,

14 Thou shalt not commit adultery.


16 Unto the woman he said, I will greatly multiply thy sorrow and thy conception; in sorrow thou shalt bring forth children; and thy desire shall be to thy husband, and he shall rule over thee.

Matthew 5:17

Jesus: Think not that I am come to destroy the law of Moses, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil.

Dalrock 2012-2014: Christians must man up and learn GAME* so as to serve butt and gina tinzgzlzlzlzozoz as Jesus came to abolish the law of Moses. Also, Christians must man up and never, ever read a GReat Book for Men, nor quote them either, but only castigate and impugn the Great Books For Men, as reading them does not serve women’s butt and gina tingsallzlzozolzozzzlzozozozozoz, while wearing furry hats and negging them does. Every night, after gaming one’s wife so as to keep her from stealing teh children, and/or fornicating with women, one must kneel before the church of Dalrock and state, “Homer was a Pagan, but Dalrock, the great emperor, forgives us for our gamey gamez and fofnicationz and buttehtsthzt, for Dalrock is great and good, and the one,true, way, while Homer and Virgil are Pagans and Jesus came to abolish the Law of Moses.” lzozozlzlo

*The word Game can mean anything at any time. For in the beginning there was the Word, and the Word was good, and the Word was God, but now, I, Dalrock, dictate that My Words can mean anything at any time. So man up and get used to my Marxist march of deconstruction through our institutions, and the rule of da butt and gina tingzzlzlzolzolozoz.


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